April 01, 2003
Live From the Front of the Rear!
Hello All, I know that it has been a couple days since I've written, and that I warned you that I might not be in contact for awhile, but I will apologize for my tardiness. Actually, it seemed that Our Hero would have to resort to snail mail to keep all of you informed to exploits and adventures, but thankfully (and for the first time in my life) I happened upon a few helpful Marines. I'm currently in the middle of the Kuwait desert, and I must say that it really isn't that bad. Our fine hosts realized that our equipment is still on a boat, SOMEWHERE in the pond, and has provided us with shelter and food. The tents are nice, roomy and without cots (see Beds). They DO have wooden floors, and that is a major plus because it keeps that creepy-crawly things off you at night time. Oh, and the rest of the accommodations aren't that bad. Plenty of porta-johns, and there's even a shower point setup not far from my tent. This leads me to one of many new discoveries, the Navy shower. Ok, I am a soldier (see Army) that is currently attached to a Marine (see Jarhead) unit. I like Marines in this capacity, they are VERY handy in a fight and like to kick ass (even yours truly on occasion, but I was drunk at the time). However, they believe in STRICT water rationing, hence the Navy Shower. I had heard rumors about this thing, but dismissed them as foolhardy, weak and just plain dumb. Well, I was wrong (I'm always the first to admit it, no, really I am) and here's how it works (for you lucky, and not that sandy, civilians). Remove clothing (this is VERY important, unless you're doing laundry), enter shower (how else would you get wet?), turn on water for not more than 30 seconds (that's right, half a minute) and wet yourself down. Turn water off (this is where it sucks), lather up with soap (how else would you get clean?), turn water back on for 30 seconds longer (oh, yeah, this part sucks too), rinse off and turn water off. Towel dry, and whola, you're clean. Bull-Shit. I did this for the first time today, and I do feel cleaner, and refreshed, but I will never take for granted, my spoiled, pampered Army showers again. This is another reason to shout GO ARMY, BEAT NAVY on the first weekend of December this year. You must be wondering, whatever can they be doing out there with no equipment and nothing to do? Well, have no fear, there is always something to do. From digging fighting positions (see Holes) in the ground to building piss tubes in the ground (yep, they're exactly what they sound like) we are doing alright. I have found some new uses for old items, and I'd like to let you in on a couple. Baby wipes have been used by soldiers for years to maintain hygiene in the field, but I now use the Anti-Bacterial wipes to clean off the seat in the porta-john (you know, when I joined the Army, a porta-john was your entrenching tool (see Shovel) and the ability to squat!) because I have no idea what was last on that thing. Normally I'm not too concerned about hygiene (my three second rule goes to five), but this is a foreign land to me, and I'm a bit concerned about what I might pick up along the way. Condoms have a specific (and VERY necessary) purpose in the civilized world, but here they are great for keeping the dust out of the barrel of your weapon. On a side note, lubricated is not recommended by the author for it serves no purpose in this effect, and only makes the weapon slippery. Ditto on the 'ribbed for her pleasure'... yuck, get your mind out of the gutter!!! Gold Bond medicated power is worth its weight in gold, 'cause if the boys (see Testicles) aren't happy, nobody is happy. Oh, and underwear is completely WORTHLESS. I tried it for about 15 minutes, and then chucked it in the burn pile. Can anyone say commando? I'll buy more after the war. Well, I'd better get going. I don't know how long it will be before I can return to this terminal and send another message, we might have to relay thru snail mail. Wait for my next dispatch from the field where we explore the marvelous insights to laundry in the field (see Wash Tub, Bar of Soap and a Piece of Rope) Love, Will 02:30 AM
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Hi Will!!! i wonder, you read our commentaries? agua Posted by: agua on April 1, 2003 03:04 AMHola Will! Im a girl, 35 years old, and live alone with my daughter in a calm City of Switzerland. If you have any Companion that since _i am handsome(pretty)_ ;-), and this single too, give him my Internetaddress, so when the war ends i will to know him. My English is very bad, and i have translated in the WWW. Im spanish and speak German, Italian and Spanish. agua Posted by: agua on April 1, 2003 03:10 AMhi Will :-) You're hilarious ... keep it up when things get tough and you'll be just fine! :) Positive vibes to you sweety! I'll send you some island girl vibes seeing as I'm chilling in Seychelles - hey, if you ever come here for R & R I'll buy you a beer! Posted by: Nadia on April 1, 2003 04:01 AMHowdy Will, You're gonna have to do stand up for the other troops, you're halarious!! I appreciate you letting us get your view of things. Keep smiling & never loose you're faith in God. WE WILL PREVAIL!! God Bless Posted by: reata on April 1, 2003 04:13 AMHey Will, Just found your webpage through an article on MSN. You are truly a gifted writer and I have enjoyed your diary. We're all pulling for you in the States and if you're ever in Cali, you got yerself' a beer. Take care and God bless. CaliGirl in Costa Mesa, CA Posted by: CaliGirl on April 1, 2003 04:56 AMI'm ashamed of you, of your country and of your fictician crazy President. Hi,Will Will, I've been checking your site every day - You just made my morning with your new post! Take care, stay clean, and know that we're thinking of you. Until next time... Posted by: Kelley on April 1, 2003 07:07 AMGo ARMY!! Your posts are great and I look forward to reading them. Take care, good luck and Godspeed. Will, Hi Will. I wish you well and let you know that I am praying for your safe. I am 23 year-old Japanese girl. Take care, good luck,and stay clean :) Tomoko
Will; Its good to know you are safe and still able to write your log entries. They are great! Keep safe, and look forward to hearing from you again! Dale Posted by: Dale on April 1, 2003 08:13 AMHey Will, Later, Commando is sexier anyway. Goldbond is good at keeping the boys dry, but if you want to make them feel really refreshed, put some clit cream on them. My guy friends swear by it. I'll send you some :) Posted by: Erin on April 1, 2003 08:32 AMI love you will Posted by: Scarlett on April 1, 2003 08:40 AMHi will, don´t pay attention to bad comments; ( i know everybody has an opinion on this war ), cause´you have to focuse on staying alive. Don´t think that all mexican people are against this war, in fact, some of us think that you are doing a great favor to the rest of the world atacking Irak. Your log entries are great, and i really enjoy reading them cause you give us very well the view of a real soldier living there ( and you are very funny too ), so please keep doing it, ok? dont loose your faith and be careful there, i know GOD is with all of you, but keep your head down just in case, ok? Posted by: Robert on April 1, 2003 08:45 AMWill have to update my field packing list from babywipes to antibacterial! Besides...haven't you learned the fine art of "hovering" over the porta-potty?? If not you must have never went to NTC!!! Give us an address for snail mail, we can send the Gold Bond in bulk for the unit! :o) love ya, take care, watch your 6 Hi. Will, This is "N" from Japan. Your web site was introduced in one of the major newspaper in Japan. That's why I got to read your wonderful messeges. I do have an American boyfriend who I think he is dealing with this war. He was an Air Force Inteligence and I am not sure exactly but I think he is still under Reserve. That is explain why I can't reach him since 3/12. Anyway, I just wanted to say "Thank you" personally since all the news and live reports from the TV just gives me too much worries. But your messages gave me releif in some level. I don't know anything about life in military whats so ever and I was imagined something more worse. So, "BIG Thanks to you". Oh hey, if you ever happen to meet any Dave in Air Force Intelligence, please tell him that I said HI. He could be my boyfriend. =) I will be thinking of you like many other readers do. I really admire your braveness. God Bless you. "N" Posted by: N on April 1, 2003 09:20 AMI just wanted to let you know that I support you and everyone else out there who is fighting for mine and everyone else's freedom!! It is kinda sad though that the exact freedom you all are fighting for is the freedom that gives all these nut cases the right to make the rude comments about you all and our president!! I guess they have their right to their opinion though--I just wish they would keep it to themselves!! (just kidding) :) Stay safe (as possible) and just know that we are all praying for you all here in TEXAS!! Will, So glad to see today's post!! I've been checking a dozen times a day, worried about you. Ditto what Jamie K said above, give us an address and we'll send goodies. I've been trying to adopt a unit out of Ft. Stewart (3 ID) but I don't think they're getting any mail right now...would love to send SOMETHING to SOMEBODY!! We pray for you (specifically) and all the other soldiers every night. Stay strong. Stay safe. (Try to) Stay clean! There's some cold beer and some homemade wine waiting on you in Arkansas if you ever make it down this way! great! you have such a great way of looking a bad situation. as for someother people. like the old saying goes opinions are like a**holes, everyones has one and most peoples stink. so for the rest who's don't we are so proud and can't wait for all the troops return! Hi Will. Great posts. My prayers are with you and all of our brave men fighting for the freedom to have other opinions. You are doing a great job and I just wish this would end sooner. Thanks so much for your informing and entertaining commentary. Be safe and true. Posted by: Roxann on April 1, 2003 10:07 AMLike others, I am so relieved to hear from you, Will. I was so anxiously awaiting your word. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with all of us. Ignore those igmoranous (sp) buttheads who wouldn't have anything to say if it weren't degrading to us! Like Dusty from Texas said, it is sad and ironic that you are fighting for Julia (or whoever the coward without a real email address is) and many other negative people to have their freedom to speak their opinions. Keep doing your job and we know you are doing it well! We love ya Will! HEY DARLIN! Penny Posted by: Penny on April 1, 2003 10:29 AMHey Will! Hey Brazil! Looks like "our Hero" will be the drunkest GI around when he makes it back CONUS :o) We should all arrange a big party, have many cases of beer, a few bottles of tequila (my fave) and a huge shower LOL wait.. I know a club here in Atlanta that has all that! Posted by: Jamie K on April 1, 2003 11:00 AMWill Man, Glad to see you posted a message today. I know it's April Fools Day and all...nothing funny about what's happening over there where you are, to say the least. Keep your sense of humor (and yourself) alive man! Update of what's happening in the good old US of A: Take care, watch you back and keep breathing. TopDog Posted by: TopDog on April 1, 2003 11:13 AMWill!! I bet you can't wait to get back and jump in a jaccuzzi and sip down on some wine, hell forget the wine bring a keg. You guys are in our Prayers and We hope you can come back home soon. Thank you for defending the country we believe in. (and for taking that short but breif shower, finally..he he he) Well better let you go so you can write somemore.
Who said the marines could not play a April Fool's day joke see (shower).....Sorry brother a ex jarhead have heard the stories seen the scars and root for Navy see (daughter in rotc) .......Glad you are well and I know that you cannot post a addy to to security and safetly of all. But man think of the black market value on Gold Bond........Stay safe to you all Posted by: Juls on April 1, 2003 11:32 AMWill You will all die there -- in the old land of Babylon, in the craddle of civilization. Death is imminent your death is imminent. On the Judgement Day you shall be ask for every soul you have killed -- and you shall be dumbfounded and hurled into the fire of Hell -- for ever. You are beasts, you are brutal beasts. Just think how many millions of people in the world now hate you. Do you think it shall not touch you? One way or another it shall find you, either you, or your loved ones. And then you shall suffer, you shall really suffer. Posted by: Revenge on April 1, 2003 01:56 PMWelcome back !!!! It's very good to see your post again today. I'm from NY and I ran across your site last week and I've been hooked since. Thanks for bringing us the 'inside' story. You are freakin hysterical and I'm glad you are staying healthy enough to send posts. You are in my prayers and I think about you often (always worrying as silly as that is) I'll be looking for your next post...meanwhile stay safe. Diana Posted by: Diana on April 1, 2003 02:54 PMWant to say thanks for taking the time to write from where you are. I check your page daily to see if you have written. It is great to be able to hear from someone whom is over there and can tell what and how it is like (literaly) where you are. You stories are told in such a great way! I think you may have a book by the time you get done here. Keep safe and write when you can. Posted by: Kip on April 1, 2003 03:14 PMI figured since everyone else is doing it...might as well comment as well even though i'm quite positive you're busy cleaning sand off the crevices of your body as opposed to getting internet access. but just hope you guys are keeping your spirits up and come home safely. and your journal is hilarious. you should looking into writing when you are discharged from the Army. =) Keep smiling. Posted by: Vappy on April 1, 2003 03:26 PMDear Will, I'm very happy that you are back!!! Perhaps you are part of God's Judgement against the evil regime of Saddam...don't forget Bible history..... God Bless you!
11"Sharpen the arrows! Your post made my day--been wondering about ya. Since everyone's offering drinks, if you find yourself in VA, I'm buying. Take care of yourself. Posted by: Kimberly on April 1, 2003 05:09 PM'ya know when this mess is all over, go fly a kite (and I really do meant that!) Come to Dallas and let's fly!!! You are more than welcome. You'd be amazed how much better you can feel!! Here's to a short victory! Warren Harris (Email us if you need one... Can you fly in the field??) www.edenkites.com PS. tell your friend from SPI in Texas, that Bill and Susie Doan of B&S Kites hope all is well..
To people that think USA are right, I ask: Do you have French Fries of MC Donald's into your mind ?? If u can't feel the Pain of a WAR its because u don't have life into your Body.. I hope this war finished soon I hate sleep in my safe country while clidrens die over bonbs that A COUNTRY think its right send. Each People Know about our country I'm from Brazil I have Education I know that Freedom is bettler than eat MC donalds or Listen Britney Spears Here I can go to MC donalds near my house and eat a big mac, but NEVER I will surender myself to this country for a FOOD or Songs.. Bye Nell Posted by: Nell on April 1, 2003 06:00 PMHi Will, I heard about your log on Komando.com -- I want you to know that you have done more to personalize this conflict than any journalist out there! Please keep up the good work, take care of your buddies, and remember to watch your 6. After the Army, you should write a book about this with all the humor included too. I have shared your posts with my kids to show them that their is a human side to this conflict. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Posted by: Michelle on April 1, 2003 06:23 PMGlad to see you back Will! Come to New Mexico or Arizona when ya get back and I will hook you up with woman and beer!!! Posted by: Kat on April 1, 2003 06:47 PMI want to say that I am not really sure what to think of this war. I truly do support all soldiers that are over there who are made to fight including my fam over there. The part of me that is glad we are there is the part that sees some of these comments and see how much they hate Americans. We should not have to live in fear. And hey they came over here and made it that way on 9/11. They should have left us alone. Also the fact that a lot of people think that Sadaam funded Bin Laden who funded those hijackers and then he is out there making chemical weapons and such intended for the US. Then there is the other part of me who does not think that we should be over there especially without the support of some of the bigger countries. (You know the ones that we have fought for their freedom before?) This part of me is also like, why can't we just let them live their lives and we can live ours. (is that even realistic?) It is like we have so many problems of our own in this country that billions of our dollars can go to instead of war. It is sad. Plus it does kind of seem that there are many political reasons for being there as well and when that happens, us no names are not even thought of and the consequences that this may bring to the innocent people on both sides. It just kills me..all these "educated" people from foreign lands..they can't spell, have no idea wtf they are talking about. If your country is not involved in this war, as in having troops on the front lines, go play in traffic. By the way...wtf does mickey d's and slutty teen pop "singers" have to do with this war?? *sigh* Hi Will, So glad to see you were able to find some net time. I can't wait to hear more stories laced with your great sense of humor. That condom thing is priceless. Hang in there and god speed. WILL Heck buddy 2 or 3 weeks in the sand A Crusty old Squid Posted by: TX Vet on April 1, 2003 09:36 PMstill alive? did you count how many kids your bombs have killed today? one more of my prayers for your "happy end" in HELL, beast Posted by: Adam on April 1, 2003 10:52 PMHi Will, My daughter lead me to your site the day you left so I took the time and read the whole thing. Your a hoot. Cathy Hoo-ah Will! HOORAH! Hi Will you go MIDN Tony...I can not belive all these stupid people that are posting all this SHIT. If you think you have it better than us then go live with your crazy ruler over there is suicide land. You say we are gonna go to hell..well what about all the SHIT you have been putting on here about us going to hell for killing your people. If anybody is gonna go to hell it's gonna be your higher than thu allaih (aka.. Hussein), the one that as been killing all your people for years.....so in you famous words.... ALLAIH GO TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG !! As for our VERY BRAVE men and women in uniform we wish a safe return home. Don't think of all this shit that is being said in here. Know that we your friends and family love and care for your safe return home... Hi Will, Loads of luv'n'hugs'kisses Hey, sure we do haver BIG fuckin problems to take care here in Brazil first. Yeah, and I think that an analytical opposition is freedom of speech, and rants and hate mail is plain stupidity. But thinking this war concerns only Americans is so much naive. This war will fuck up our economy, regardless of the outcome. think about that. The price you all pay for being #1 is that if you sneeze, the world may suffer. Will, be safe and fight honorably. Posted by: King Mob (Brazil) on April 2, 2003 08:19 AMHi Will, Slight correction. That wasn't a Navy shower. It was a submariners shower. Those shore based and surface skimming Navy guys have huge stills that produce thousands of gallons of potable water. What you described is how the Submariners take showers...when we have water. Later, good luck and keep your baffles clear. Posted by: Brian682 on April 2, 2003 11:28 AMThis is to the girl who said she was embarrassed to speak our language. Well I am an English teacher, and you don't speak our language very well anyway. If you want to forget the language, I don't think it would hurt anyone in this countries feelings one bit. I am so embarrassed for you. Emily Posted by: Emily on April 2, 2003 12:54 PMWill: I came across your site today and I (and fellow co-workers) haven't laughed so hard in quite some time. The fact that you are able to maintain such a great sense of humor during a time of turmoil is amazing. Thank you for showing us the human side of war and an even bigger THANK YOU to you and all the men and women of the Armed Forces for protecting our freedom and the freedom of generations to come. You are the true heroes and role models of this country. Stay safe and know that you are in thoughts and prayers. I look forward to your next post. All the beer you can drink is waiting in Northern VA if you ever make it here. Hugs and Prayers, Kimberly Posted by: Kimberly on April 2, 2003 03:13 PMGod Bless You Will ... and don't EVER lose your fabulous sense of humor!! :o) *BIG HUGS & LOTSA PRAYERS* Posted by: Diz on April 2, 2003 04:23 PMGreat! LOL ur too funny! This site is great! I love having a chance to get informed away from the typical news! My love to everyone out there! I wish you the best and a safe return home! !ViVA USA!!!!! Hi Will, Hi Will, When Jesus walked on water, Peter asked if he could come to Him. Jesus replied "Come". As Peter walked on the water towards Jesus thru fierce winds and waves Peter became afraid and began to sink. He cried out "Please help me". As Jesus reached out to grab him and pull him up He replies"Why did you loose faith in me?" Through all the difficultie hardships and fear Please dont ever loose FAITH! GOD BLESS YOU AND GOOD LUCK!! The following American servicemen and women have either been captured or are missing during Operation Iraqi Freedom as of 6 p.m. EST Wednesday: DUTY STATUS WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN March 23: Army Sgt. Edward J. Anguiano, 24, of Brownsville, Texas. Missing after his convoy was ambushed in Iraq. Assigned to the 3rd Combat Support Battalion out of Fort Stewart, Ga. Army Sgt. George Edward Buggs, 31, of Barnwell, S.C. Missing after his convoy was ambushed in Iraq. Assigned to the 3rd Forward Support Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga. Marine Sgt. Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, 26, of Yuma, Ariz. Last seen while conducting convoy operations in the vicinity of Nasiriyah. Assigned to the Marine Wing Support Squadron-371, Marine Wing Support Group-37, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Ariz. Marine Sgt. Brendon Reiss, 23, of Casper, Wyo. Missing; circumstances and details unknown — Marines missing after being engaged in operations in the outskirts of Nasiriyah in Iraq: Marine Pfc. Tamario D. Burkett, 21, of Buffalo, N.Y. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Marine Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawongse, 22, of Waterford, Conn. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Marine Lance Cpl. Donald J. Cline, Jr., 21, of Washoe, Nev. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Marine Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford, 30, of Decatur, Ill. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Marine Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings, 19, of Boiling Springs, S.C. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. — Members of the 507th Maintenance Company stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, missing after Iraqi forces ambushed an Army supply convoy near Nasiriyah: Army Master Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy, 38, of Cleveland, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Spc. James M. Kiehl, 22, of Comfort, Texas, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Chief Warrant Officer Johnny Villareal Mata, 35, of El Paso, Texas, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa, 22, of Tuba City, Ariz., 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Pvt. Brandon Ulysses Sloan, 19, of Bedford, Ohio, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Pvt. Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18, of El Paso, Texas, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Sgt. Donald Ralph Walters, 33, of Salem, Ore., 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. PRISONERS OF WAR March 24: — Apache pilots, captured after helicopter downed during a mission: Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Ronald D. Young Jr., 26, of Lithia Springs, Ga. Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 David S. Williams, 30, of Orlando, Fla. March 23: — Members of the 507th Maintenance Company stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, captured after Iraqi forces ambushed an Army supply convoy around Nasiriyah: Army Spc. Edgar Hernandez, 21, of Mission, Texas, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Spc. Joseph Hudson, 23, of Alamogordo, N.M., 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Spc. Shoshana Johnson, 30, of Fort Bliss, Texas, 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Pfc. Patrick Miller, 23, of Park City, Kan., 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. Army Sgt. James Riley, 31, of Pennsauken, N.J., 507th Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas. LET'S GET OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN HOME FROM ALL THE COUNTRIES TAT ARE FIGHTING WITH US... Hi Will, Glad to hear you're safe. As the daughter of parents who were both "jarheads" I can tell you stick with the Marines. They'll watch your back. My father made it through WWII, the Koren war and Vietnam. We're praying you'll be fine too. We were also talking about that latex item you mentioned and I swear my husband was lieing to me, but you proved him right (darn). Ok- but I doubt I'll get it past the school admin for the kids in chappell to send you THAT in a care package. Stay safe and alert. Semper Fi, You dont know me but I came across your website on the msnbc website one day. I think you have a good sense of humor. Keep it up and it will help you get through this war and back to the US safely. And to those people who put negative comments on here about our troops overseas: Didnt your mother ever teach you that if you dont have nothing nice to say,dont say anything at all???? Good luck and godspeed to ya Will. If you ever find yourself in southern Minnesota, I'll buy ya a beer or two. Jennifer Posted by: Jennifer on April 3, 2003 01:24 AMI enjoyed reading your posts. You not only provide an insight to what it's like for someone over in Iraq, but you do it wit. It takes talent to take a harsh situation and look at the lighter side of things. Never lose that wonderful spirit. The man I'm head over heels in love with is over there also, and I'm trying to cope in what way I can. I'm definitely a bonafide "news junkie" but nothing can bring it home more than the people involved. I haven't heard from him in over a week now, so it was good to hear from someone over there. Looks like you are getting some wonderful support through this site! Take care of yourself, come back home safe, and thank you so much for sharing. :) Posted by: WebDiva on April 3, 2003 04:22 AMYou´re so stupid and absurd that you think that God´s by your side Posted by: the mentor on April 3, 2003 05:29 AMI find amazing that you actually take time to let people know what-s going on there. Good luck. Vanessa Posted by: Vanessa on April 3, 2003 06:12 AMHi Will, Will, I have been trying to avoid T.V., Tabloid trash, newspapers and anything to do with this war. I don't know why I clicked on "One Minute Longer". I'm glad I did. Your perspective is both humourous and informative. I read all the comments and now I can see that all of our HEROES in uniform need our support. I do appologise for trying to turn a blind eye. You'll be in my heart, my prayers and on my mind from now to the end of the time. I wish everyone could...no...WOULD take a step back and see why we are fighting this war. We ARE fighting for PEACE and PROSPERITY, for everyone. We ARE one Nation under GOD. INDIVISIBLE and we want JUSTICE for ALL. It may seem like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, but the United States of America IS trying to SAVE the world, one country at a time, wether you like it or NOT!!!!! Open your eyes and see what we have done or TRIED to do for you. If we just stopped, you'd all be screwed. All those who are opposed to us need a nice healthy ENEMA to flush all the BULLSH*T out of their minds!!! This is just one American Woman's opinion (see "THE RIGHT ONE, BABY!"). Love it or Hate it, here it is. Hooray, Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will, and all the rest - honestly, it frightens me when people blend together causes with individuals. I may be against the war, but that doesn't mean I want Will (or anyone else) to die. Or, well, apart from Saddam and his scary compatriots. The loss of those beasts -would- make the world a little bit of a better place. To "the mentor", "adam", and "revenge": DIE YOU SCUM SUCKING C*M-GURGLERS!!!! Go will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOAH!! bubblehead Posted by: Bonzo on April 3, 2003 11:28 AMMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your unit...I know how every day has got to be a blessing and a gift to you all. I have many friends in theater right now and have a boyfriend that is itching to go and could go anyday now. Keep your chin up, your head down and your feet dry! And as for going commando..WOO-HOO! Posted by: Kat on April 3, 2003 11:50 AMHey NELL! From the looks of your post: "I'm from Brazil I have Education I know that Freedom is bettler than eat MC donalds or Listen Britney Spears", the following seems glaringly obvious (see plain and simple): 1) If your spelling (see "bettler") and grammer (see "I have Education I know that...") are any indication, either your education sucked (see didn't work) or your just plain stupid (see attempting to have a battle of wits and you are unarmed). 2) People who can't formulate and communicate well-thought out ideas (see "FOOD and Britney Spears" - like that has ANYTHING to do with Soddam Insane) shouldn't open their pie-hole (see your speaking orifice). 3) Before criticizing the US for going after terrorists and those who support terrorist groups (see Soddam Insane), how much of the crime rate have you reduced in your country? Or do you contribute to it? (see common street whore) Posted by: city slicer on April 3, 2003 11:52 AMDear Will, Dear Will, Will, And for all of those with the Anti AMerican sentiment and those overseas flapping their heads about what BAD people We are.....I have 2 words for ya'll..... F#*k YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd for you terrorists, just remember, if you jack with the bull YOU WILL GET THE HORN!!! And in closing,you ANTI AMERICAN MOSLEMS, have a coke, a smile, and bag of pork rinds, and SHUT THE HELL UP!!! SARGENT MICHAEL, TEXAS Posted by: michael on April 3, 2003 02:12 PMHey Will, I am a Corporal in the Oklahoma National Guard. I am a ground pounder, and honestly wish I could be there side by side. I am ever greatful for your and your commerades sacrifice. If there is anything I can get you, like some good reading material, or a good old hershey bar, let me know. Just email me at spcfriel@hotmail.com Oh, and on your national tour, let me know when you will be in Oklahoma, I got a 12 year old scotch waiting. Best of Luck Frank Posted by: Frank on April 3, 2003 02:32 PMWill --> it's great to finally hear from you again. I stumbled upon your site about 2-3 weeks ago and I check every day or so to see if you have gotten a chance to make another post. It's great to know that you are OK and doing well...although...the shower situation does sould like I would wanna be there...couldn't get my hair washed that quickly it's to damn long. And as for the condom rule...I never thought of something like that...although who would wanna waste a condom on that? LOL My prayers are with you and yours and all the other soldiers over there. Take Care and Come home safe SOON. I am looking for several people to send Care Packages to...if you would like email me a few addresses. kelleyrotgers@avon.net Take Care. Great job Will. God Bless you and be safe. I have a problem with people that claim to be educated from Brazil. That is impossible! I consider Brazilian and educated to be an oxymoron (see completely opposite meaning). Our prayers are with you Will. Posted by: DaddyG on April 3, 2003 03:40 PMWill: I picked up this site from a link on MSN.com. I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your entries. It's like a book, I can't wait to read the next chapter. I also just wanted to tell you....thanks. I am only 20 years old and sadly, I am just now figuring out how lucky we are that we live in a free country. And how lucky we are that we have men like you to help protect our freedoms. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe, be tough and may God speed your return home. Thanks again !! Andrea Turner GOD BLESS AMERICA !! Hero Will and people... do you know that America is abig more than US? From Alaska to Argentina, don't be a fool. funny you should talk about the shower and hygiene since everytime I watch you guys in CNN I always think of "do they have time to shower?"... keep your spirit soaring, will! We are all praying for you! take care... god bless! Posted by: willow on April 3, 2003 06:16 PMHelllllllllllllllooooooooo Will... I'm back and relieved to see a new post from you! I've been checking everyday, and wouldn't you know it, as soon as I don't check for a day or two, you come back and post, you rascal!!!!!!!! (See NOOKIES) Hmmmm...April Fools Day post, eh, Will? Methinks you are a witty man, not to mention hilarious. I still love how you weave your humor though reality. (See BOOK CONTRACT) May I say something to all those asking if they can send stuff?
Though I love Will and would like him to get everything we want to send him, (See WILL IS LOVED) thousands of soldiers need stuff too. I'm not trying to plug my site, but I did put a page up especially for this reason. It is: http://myhomeismyheart.homestead.com/Visions.html and my email is: bambipurr@yahoo.com There are many links there where you can send a plethora of items badly needed/wanted by our troops. There are even British links for our UK fellow patriots. (See ACTIVE TROOPS) Hey, Will....tell any British troops you get the chance to talk to that I've got their Union Jack flying next to Old Glory!! (See UK/US UNION) That homecooked dinner/conversation with a patriotic 7 yr old/ beautiful Arizona weather is still open you know. *grins* (See COME SEE ARIZONA WHEN YOU GET CONUS) You keep your butt down (See ANTIBACTERIAL WIPES) and your spirits up, (See NAVY SHOWER) Will. GODSPEED, AND GET ALL YOUR BUTTS HOME ASAP Prayers, Hugs, and Good Thoughts, Judi eres un hijo puta, aseseino Posted by: dios on April 4, 2003 12:34 AMI don't understand all the negativity. This world would be so much worse if it were not for all of the brave men and women. These wonderful people are willing to lay their own lives down so that others can be free. So maybe the next time someone wants to say something negative....you should sit back and think where you might be if it were not for these men and women. I don't like the idea of innocent people being killed...who does? But sometimes unfortunate things occur in order to get to better things. I admire and support those fighting so that others may enjoy freedom. Good luck to all of you. May God be with each of you every day & Angels continue to watch over you!! Many thoughts and prayers are always with you!!! Ashley Posted by: Ashley on April 4, 2003 10:47 AMDear Will, Hi Will I found your site a week ago and really enjoy reading it. Hope you stay safe and thank you for the work your doing. God keep you and every service person out there safe. Veronica - California, USA Posted by: Veronica on April 4, 2003 12:26 PMAnd he took up his parable and said, And no go to. Dear Adam, What if your slave man would not let you speak? Sam will not steal your fortunes. Sam does not want your land. Posted by: Earlene on April 4, 2003 01:23 PMHi Will!, Just a quick note to say you've almost become like a "brotha" to me. I check the site on a regular basis just to know you're still ok! Hopefully this war will be over soon and you can grace us with your picture! Keep the laughter and humour floating. African Princess Posted by: nyarai on April 4, 2003 01:50 PMGREETINGS FROM SOUTH AFRICA WILL! I'm a Zulu girl sending you love from Johannesburg, South Africa. Reading your posts put a smile on my face - and reading all the comments people write to you! See, there is still a lot of love in the world. Keep doing your thing mate. (I think right now you're the most popular soldier!!) Much love, Clara - Johannesburg, South Africa Posted by: Clara Malopenanya on April 4, 2003 01:57 PMWill, After i have consumed a lot of time and energy watching and reading articles about this war, I feel so exhausted already. I told myself, no more. It's too much for me to handle. Your letters however made it different. Reading them makes me wanting for more. You made it so light - and interesting. And funny too. :) I hope you all be well and be safely home soon. You guys take care of each other ok. My thoughts and prayers are with you. be safe. be good. and update us the soonest. Godspeed.
Just a short note to say yall are in our thoughts and prayers daily, support the troops , all the way! God Bless take care and Godspeed!!! Posted by: mari on April 4, 2003 02:14 PMGodspeed -- to Hell for all your crimes against the Humanity, ye, the gang of vipers! Posted by: Adam on April 4, 2003 02:23 PM*wipes the tears away* Whew! Adam you crack me up. Ye, The Gang of Vipers!!! Hoo-doggies! That's comedic genius people! Posted by: Captain Rooba on April 4, 2003 02:26 PMAdam - hasn't saddam knifed you yet? Go to Iraq, and wait - he will. If we don't kill him first! Posted by: city slicker on April 4, 2003 02:28 PMJUSTICE: Methinks Adam has way too much time on his hands. Posted by: sqlspoot on April 4, 2003 04:55 PMHi Will, I thank God for you all that are over there to protect us in our FREE country of the USA! God is with you all and will reward you all on judgment day. Those for the devil, as in Sadaam and his cronies will be in the lake of fire. How I know is the evil they have caused, and still cause to their own people and the world, is evil as in the devil. So these cronies of evil that are emailing, as in Nell, Revenge, and so on... just delete their remarks and know that you ALL are in our prayers and know God is watching over you ALL with His love and care. p.s. LOL... City Slicker... you did a good job in your replies to the cronies in here. I am with you! Bonzo.... you too!!! Good job! LOL I am glad you told those cronies like Sadaam like it is! LOL Posted by: Sue on April 4, 2003 05:39 PMWill, I want to be sure that you and your compadres understand that no one, aside from a few looneytunes like Mr. Adam here, who is protesting this war wishes our Coalition soldiers any ill will. My feelings against war is that I want to support our troops and take them out of harm's way, out of Iraq. I know it's not so easy as this.... And, like everyone else has invited, when you're in MN, there's a few icy ones on hold for you. It seems you could do quite a bit of traveling, visiting all your new fans who want to thank you personally. I wish you all well and want you to come home soon! And big ups to Captain Rooba for making all this possible! Posted by: Mrs. Minnesota on April 4, 2003 11:48 PMWe´re praying 4u to be safe, i'm from México, and i just hope war ends soon. Hi, Sue, How about innocent kids and thу women and the old men killed in the bombings. Hey, Adam- How about all the innocent women and children that Saddam has killed - and will continue to kill if left to his own ways? Who is going to speak for them? God knows I would rather not have my son in a war, but if we had a ruler who was as cruel and sadistic as Saddam, I hope someone would rescue us. Thanks to Will and all the soldiers who are fighting to allow people like Adam the freedom to express their "opinions" - cannot imagine what would happen to him in Iraq if he dared to criticize Saddam as he has the Americans. Stay safe, soldiers. Perform your mission and come home to your families. Mother of a Soldier Posted by: Sharyn on April 5, 2003 12:59 AMI received this today - cannot verify authorship, but the thoughts remind me of those Will expressed in the first letter he wrote in this journal. From a Parent of a Marine in the 1st Battalion 4th Marines...... oorah. We got a letter from Josh today, if you could call it that, written 3/9. "Wish You Were Here" For all the free people that still protest. Corporal Joshua Miles and all the boys from 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines, Deuteronomy 20:4 Mother of a soldier. I am not an American, thank God, neither am I Iraqi -- this allows me to speak objectively. Who gave America the right to judge. Saddam killed many. But Americans killed many more in all their unrighteous wars. Dis America bring peace to any of the countries where they wage war? The answer is an emphatic No. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Nicaragua and many other pro-American regimes. You could be a great nation -- but you are losing your chance. No peace could be established through war. Explosions bring only to chaos. George Bush tries to convince you that he sent these troops to Iraq for righteous purposes, which is a lie. If he is such a great partisan of righteousness -- why is the majority of Africa is in hunger and despotism. In all, all your words and those of your president I see only hypocrisy, desire to rule the world, to remake it according to your American rules without asking people's wish. You forget that there is such a thing as the national mentality and democracy is not always the best solution for many countries. Many oriental countries do wish to live under sultans and shakhs -- this is THEIR choice. Why should you deprive them of their choice? Who gave you the right?! And if the majority of the population is dark and illiterate -- would not it be better for them to live under a clever and tyranneous king? Read Plato (if you only know who it is -- I guess no -- since you recognised neither the Bible not Shakespeare in my letters). You allow yourself to bomb the country which is the craddle of civilisation -- destroying monuments of thousands of years standing. You have none of your own, and you dont care about these. Who gave you the right? The German proverb says -- dont do good -- and you will not have bad. Adam TO WILL AND OTHER SOLDIERS MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU. I HOPE YOU CAN RETURN HOME SOON. Posted by: Jackelin on April 5, 2003 10:59 AMJackelin, I do not spare time worrying about the future of the world. While you have nothing to oppose to my arguments, because they are true. And if call my appeal to stop killing the innocent children and destroying the monuments that belong to the world -- evil -- sufficient unto me this argument of yours to make a judgement of America's intentions. Fie, sister, fie! Regards. Posted by: Adam on April 5, 2003 11:20 AMadam stop wasting time and space with your comments. nobody really cares what you have to say and it's a hassle having to scroll past all of your stupid comments. TO ALL THE SOLDIERS: Yes, Will, please delete my comments. Dont read them, I have nothing against. But please, next time you pull a trigger just remember me, that is all I want. And next time you see wounded and dead children on TV screen -- who knows may be it was your job. Who knows. Farewell. Posted by: Adam on April 5, 2003 01:08 PMWill, may God bless and Keep you always. My aunt is the correspondance above, i.e, Joelle....and ditto on the invitation!!!!! Hi will Adam you one condescending s.o.b. aren't you? Yes, we can recognize Plato, Shakespeare and the Bible. And anyone can go in and pull out passages to suit their needs. I'm not impressed. While I respect your right to regurgitate pieces of literature, I can't sit hear and read them and not stand up for my friend. He is fighting so people like you can have this half-assed educated brain and the freedom to use it. As for having no monuments? Well, why ours may not have been standing as long as those in the "cradle of civilization", we did lose one - or if I recall it was actually two - two towers. Does that ring a bell? And maybe the people of Iraq do enjoy their way of life. If you have only had vanilla ice cream all your life, who knows if you like chocolate or not? If the people are so happy there in Saddamland - why are some so happy to see us? why do some risk their lives to save one P.O.W.? why do some surrender willingly? No gov't is perfect. No country is in 100% agreement for how it is run. But to have the choice to oppose that which you do not like (or understand) is what freedom is all And I thank God for people like Will, for my friend Dave, for my cousin Rob and all the others who are their defending my freedom (and yours). While millions may now hate us for what we do, tens of millions support us and I thank them for that. If you would like, maybe we just let Saddam stay and he can come invade your home country at some point. Would you like that? Didn't think so. Just one gal's opinion - love it or leave it. It's your right to do so and that's what it's all about (as opposed to the hokey pokey as some believe). Adam, while you have bid us farewell, you know you are reading this as you won't be able to stay away. And if you aren't still here, let this be read by anyone else who is going to call my friend names or wish him harm - "Them thar are feudin' words" and I will personally pray for your soul. Actually I would like to just give you a big ass whoopin' but there's enough violence going on in the world right now. To Will - Stay safe my friend!! We want you back home here soon. Especially if we get to tag along on your trip across the USA to collect all those free beers.....You'll need a designated driver you know.
Will, I have enjoyed your postings. It really brings things home to us here in the states. I want to thank you and the other guys over there for keeping me safe. Any of you who make it to VABeach will get a beer, or anything else you want, on me!!! Keep safe and Clean!! Posted by: Linda Jacobs on April 5, 2003 04:54 PM
Two weeks ago, my wedding was the only thing that had my full attention. Where to make it? What to wear? How to dress my hair? What is the best wedding song? Where shall I start my honeymoon trip Europe or USA?...etc The American British war is illegal one. It is against all the values of human rights and countries independence. It is so Imperial and neither unjustified nor reasonable one. This war had killed the UN. I don’t believe in UN any more. I don’t trust the international politic. Where are the international organizations of peace, human rights? Where is the wisdom, fair and justice? This war won't be a short picnic as they said. Innocent's people still killed and injured every day. Iraq has no relationship with al Qaedah at all. They are extremely opposite as ice and fire. American government wanted to justify this war with telling lies and covering the truth so please try to search for the truth away from American national TV stations which are acting as formal representatives for their government. You can visit aljaserah web site. It is very neutral one neither with us nor against you. And please tell me about the most popular websites where I can represent my point of view about this war. We need to talk and interact to erase the years of misunderstanding and conflict. We could light a candle to our world and bring our nations together. I'm so sorry if I said something bad or hurt your feelings but believe me I don’t mean you personally. I love you and I respect both of you. I hope you will understand how sad and disappointed I'm so forgive me for the way I express my feelings. Finally I end up my long email with verses from the holy bible Some of you just don't get it - the only reason you are able to say some of the ugly things you have been saying is because a lot of soldiers in the past have given their lives to preserve that right. I believe that they would fight (again) for your right to express your opinions. But that right does not include personally attacking someone who cannot engage you in debate. If you want to debate, there is a discussion forum on this website (check out Riposte). This is the journal of a soldier as he prepares to go to free an oppressed people, not knowing what kind of dangers he will face from a cruel and sadistic ruler who has no qualms about killing his own people, let alone those who would remove him from power and give Iraq back to the people. I do not believe this is the place to personally attack Will or any other soldier. Will and all soldiers- stay safe - know you are loved and appreciated - and come home to your families soon. Posted by: Mother of a Soldier on April 5, 2003 07:53 PMTo those of you for whom war is unthinkable for any reason (and who are so fond of quoting the words of others), I offer this quote: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stuart Mill Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Posted by: Sekimori on April 5, 2003 08:10 PMHi Will, American "peacekeepers" nearly shot the Russian Ambassador in Iraq today when he was leaving the country in his car. The new American order -- the fourth reich! I am a small and precious child, I am a caring mother. I am a strong and loving wife, I am a soldier...
Now I agree, we did the Native Amercians wrong, and we took what was not ours. We do NOT do that...we do learn. Please tell me when in modern times, we've gone into a country, waged war, and taken their land, their culture, their country from them? Methinks not in eons. (See NATIVE AMERICANS) Will is fighting for freedom of speech, and not our own...we have that to most extents in America. I don't understand why those who pray for our souls to burn in hell think that is religious, or spiritual. I perceived "vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord" How loving is that, to judge your fellow man in such a serious matter, when only God is to judge people's souls? Hmmm? Will....You just keep on, keeping on. (See PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS) Hugs and Prayers, Hi Will! I wish lucky for you. And please. Don´t kill inocent people... Posted by: Fofety on April 6, 2003 01:23 PMHey guy... Seven lies of the USA: Lie # 1. Saddam was a great danger for civilisation and for the USA in the first place with his weapons of mass destruction. To see if it is really so UN sent its inspectors. The truth is -- NOTHING HAS BEEN FOUND. Lie # 2. UN Inspectors didnt find anything because saddam hid his weapons of mass destruction very well and UN ought to authorise the bombing of Iraq and the intervention. The truth is NOTHING HAS STILL BEEN FOUND BUT HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED IN THE US TROOPS MILITARY ACTIONS. Lie # 3. Iraqi people wanted US troops to free them from saddam and the despotic regime. The truth is -- the ordinary Iraqi people fight against the US troops -- all of them. Why? Because they dont want American democracy. They dont want it this way -- at the expence of their lives and broken houses. Lie # 4. US wants Iraqi people to rule their country themselves. The truth is that Pentagon appoints not the honest Iraqi leaders in the "freed" terrotories but the former American ambassadors in the region as general-governors. Lie # 5. Ordinary Iraqi people and the freedom fighting US troops meet each other in a friendly manner, because ordinary people hate saddam and want to be freed. The truth is -- American soldiers raise the skirts and the dresses of the Iraqi women to check if they have bombs underneath and shoot every suspicious car and man without asking and giving the warning shots. Lie # 6. US doesnt want Iraqi oil. The truth is that the oil companies have started exploring the oil mines in the "freed" territories. Lie #7. The world supports USA in this heroic fight for freedom. The truth is that America doesnt want to listen to what the only representative of the world population says -- UN -- and is against its participation in the restoration of Iraq, proclaiming itself the only country which has rights to dictate its will and to make judgments. Now let us ask ourselves -- was the tyrant without any weapons of mass destruction really a great danger for the world and particularly for the USA? Was the despotic regime economically feeble after a decade of economic embargoes really dangerous aтв a peril to freedom - To your freedom you shout about at every corner? A child would know -- no, no, no! In the same way you could say that a pride of lions in Africa is a danger to your freedom and start bombing African countries for that. America's only goal is oil. It is obvious. And the poor soldiers' brains are thoroughly washed and they do not see with their eyes. If you think that I am lying -- answer every question I have raised here, and then the world shall believe you -- may be. Posted by: Pride on April 6, 2003 03:20 PMWill, A couple of jokes to lift your sprits... How do you play Iraqi bingo? B-52...F-16...A-10...B-1 WHAT IS IRAQ'S NATIONAL BIRD?....DUCK what is the Iraqi motto? ...I came, I saw, Iran. have you heard about the new Iraqi exercise program?...each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there. well got to go, keep safe, come home soon and God be with you. I will send you more jokes when I get them to give you something else to think about !! your friend, Sherri
Word from your home town, not much happening here! ( same as when u left) Your freind, Iowa Farm Boy Posted by: Iowa Farm Boy on April 6, 2003 09:46 PMHey Will, Please pay no attention to those bad mails that pretend to come from "other " americans, but who can only show by their rude words that they do not have education and that they are in fact .....losers. ( cabrones , de verdad) Many support the boys overthere, let there be no misunderstanding, if all of them should demonstrate..... Support from Belgium. Please stay alive and kicking ! Anny Posted by: anny on April 7, 2003 04:19 AMyou so fucking americ---------a+rmy!! mother fucker BUUUUUUSH Posted by: soshitamerica on April 7, 2003 06:48 AMhey will, For Penny, I tried to leave a similar message I left higher here at the blogsofwar.com you guys do not understand that when we say that we are not supporting the war we do not mean that we support saddam. not at all. far from it. we are against american impudence, rudeness in solving this matter. in fact in this situation usa is not better in choosing the methods than saddam himself. Posted by: pride on April 7, 2003 09:17 AMHey 'Pride' - So if you dont support soddam, and you dont support war, what would YOU do, just leave him there to continue his cruel and unusual treatment of the Iraqi people? Is it our role to not interfere with internal iraqi affairs? If so, I guess we should have left hitler alone then too, huh... F@cking moron... Posted by: bonzo on April 7, 2003 11:32 AMPride goeth before a fall. Buh-bye, asshat. Posted by: Sekimori on April 7, 2003 12:07 PMHola Will!! bonzo, your fucking ass was not in Europe when Russians were losing their lives in the second world war -- over 20 000 000 lives. and it is them who actually did it NOT YOU. You started doing it only in 1945. you bloody fucking "freedom lovers". YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. and the russians did it just because hitler came to moscow, not until then. Posted by: pride on April 7, 2003 12:26 PMWill Personally, I am proud of every one of our brave men and women who are trying to make the world a better place for people they do not know. I mean what nobler cause is there? Stay strong and fight the good fight!! Jake Posted by: Jake on April 7, 2003 12:30 PMHey will...sorry I had to answer Pride (above) on your site...apparently, Pride has no idea what this board is all about...and that's to keep us posted on your progress and 'good will'....if Pride wants to rant and rave and be ignorant, he or she (since he or she can't even use his or her real name)...should go to many other boards out there... Pride, one simple answer to your many silly questions...WMD's HAVE been found....no more needs to be said! Will, kick some major butt and get home safe...we are all thinking of and praying for your quick return!! Posted by: Sharon on April 7, 2003 12:31 PMSharon, the WMD formerly produced and provided several years ago by the USA, when Donald Ramsfeld was still s friend of saddam. did you see the cnn latest news? Posted by: pride on April 7, 2003 12:47 PMIvan, Check again. It was the Iraqi's that shot at the Russians. Posted by: Earlene on April 7, 2003 01:31 PMPride: The US couldn't enter the European Theatre until then because we had our hands full in the Pacific against Japan. You quote how many Russians died in WWII....The Russians were almost as bad as the Nazi's. When the Russians went into an area they killed EVERYTHING, man, woman, child and animal. One reason we dropped the bomb on Japan was because Russia was preparing to invade Japan. The US knew the only way to stop the war was to drop the bomb. Less Japanese died then than would have by the Russian bayonnette. Posted by: Earlene on April 7, 2003 01:47 PMWill, Earlene, the latest investigation revealed that the bullet which nearlly killed the Ambassador was the M16 rifle -- US Army, no doubt. After the shooting was over -- the American tank appeared from where the shots were made. Besides, the US Army headquarters were informed of the Russian diplomatic movements well in advance and promissed assistance. The column of tanks passed by the cars without giving any help to the dying driver of the Ambassador and the journalists. The car of the Ambassador had the Russian flag on it and it could not be confused with any other car. There were no military accompanying the convoy. earlene, -- illiterate bullshit you are talking. did you at all go to school? where did you take all this nonsense from -- about the russians killing everything -- why dont you turn to the documentaries and the archives? i did -- and i saw the real picture which is very far from the truth. besides, if it were not for the russians europe would still be under the german fascist boot. and stop this nonsense about being engaged with japan. the war started in 1939. you dont say that it took America, the great america SIX years to deal with japan? what nonsense. usa never had military operations with japan until mid forties. Pride: Look in those books of yours that you say are so truthful.......When Was Pearl Harbor??????The US did not enter into the war until we were forced when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The Russians took no prisoners. They killed them instead of fooling with them. The great General Patton helped the Austrians hide the Stallions and Mares of the Spanish Riding school there because he knew that when the Russians who were on their way would even kill all the horses there. Posted by: Earlene on April 7, 2003 02:11 PMOne more thing Pride, Why do you think the Nazi's when all was caving in surrendered to the Americans and not the Russians because they knew the Americans would take them prisoner where the Russians would have shot them. Posted by: Earlene on April 7, 2003 02:15 PMWill, I agree with the Mother of a Soldier, you and I know who this person is and she is right. With out American troops, there would not be a free France nor Germany. The reason as to why you are over there is quite evident when you hear from Soldiers that tell of their encounters with Iraq civilians. Most of them say 99% are happy to have been or being liberated to run their country the way they want. Democracy is contagious and totalitarism is on the downward slide.... Thank you Will for giving me and my family the ability to live in a free Democratic society. Please return home safe. Dulcie and I will pray for you and your family. Posted by: Jon & Dulcie on April 7, 2003 02:15 PMDear Will, Take Care, Will, From a former Marine and a vet of the first gulf war I wish you luck and god speed. Keep your head down and bring your butt home alive along with the rest of your unit. I wish daily I could be there with my fellow jarheads and you dogfaces but due to the 1st gulf I am a disabled vet at home praying for you guys daily wishing i could do more. Semper FI Hey Pride, Get your facts strait before stating fact as you think you know it. The Americans were dieing in North Africa and Italy fighting Germans and Italians in 1942, 1943. The Americans lost 29,000 in one day at Normandy JUNE 6, 1944. The Americans lost over 120,000 airmen to that point over the skies of Europe by that point and 200,000 by war end. The Americans declared war only when attacked in December of 1941, but it took time to mobilize and get the armies to Europe to fight. Transporting of armies and equipment is a slow process nowadays, and was even slower back in the 1940s, espechially considering that the Germans were sinking significant amounts of war material in the North Atlantic at the time. Even the first gulf war in 1991 took over 6 months to stage, and that was with help and support from many nations. I have no problem with debate, but I only find it worthwile when I am debating people who get their facts straight. Posted by: Mike on April 7, 2003 04:55 PMGreetings Will, There's SO much to read.. but....ROFL On the Booger-Sickle! Too bad I got to this site a little late and am just now reading this in April (you've already been deployed). I was still trying to catch my breath over the nicorette gum tasting like ass when you try and smoke it, and then I come across the booger-sickle... Oh man.! The only thing I can say is I know your pain. I'm an "air-force" brat (see knows what rise n shine at o-dark-thirty means), currently living in neighboring Minnesota, who just quit smoking 4 months ago. You have a great, sarcastic sense of humor I can relate too. I'm having a blast reading your rants and I hope to read another one very soon. (see, I hope you're doing okay out there in the sandbox). I saw on the news that our boys have reached Saddam's palaces in Baghdad today and are grabbing a few souveneres, as well as using the royal toilet facilities. Have a sit on the palace john for America and let Hussein know what we think of him when ya flush... Oh.. and make sure you ate something other than an MRE. Heheh. God Speed Will, i know 1 thing you can do while you are waiting for your equip and gear....learn to clean-up your language a bit..our prayers are with all of you and GOD bless you all... Posted by: rusty on April 7, 2003 07:32 PMWill, Much love and respect, P.S. If you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, just wait 3 hours...it will change!!! (see lived here all my life) Posted by: Maggie on April 7, 2003 10:51 PMHi Will! I'll bookmark your site and check back often. I to think you have the beginnings of a book here. I found the last entry rather funny about baby wipes,condoms,and Gold Bond...keep up the great writing :D Keep Safe! Will, you sexy man...i am in luv with you! Marry me please !?!? :) Im just dyin to give you one of those pinches on the butt you are so fond of...kisses and love from the good ol USA...keep sending those e-mails...i live for them! Posted by: Kristen on April 8, 2003 12:12 AMHey bro.My Husker buddy told me your site....Awesome info your throwing or way much less your kind act of hero'ism.....Your too cool helping out us folks all over USA n beyond.Im texas boy but back my soldiers in any part military period....send me shout out whenever....watched basketball finals tonight.syracuse won over kansas by 2 points to let ya know.....Hey have some fun at same time that way for me...Make most of it...Your blessed to see world in good or bad situations. God send to ya and your bro's from me and all us ok......chaka n come surf texas soon......mixed drinks/ girls/beer/ best concerts n world right here n Houston,Texas .....your VIP from the Texasbeachboy Posted by: Texasbeachboy on April 8, 2003 12:40 AMHi Will, we are MILENA and ADRIANA. Your words have very touch our heart. This morning the dawn have awoke my spirit. The last night I dreamt an angel I’d like that the present is love and peace. MILENA and ADRIANA FASCISTS -- KILLING THE JOURNALISTS!!! 20! JOURANALISTS MISSING! -- 20! WHO BUT THE FASCISTS DID IT? YOUR GENERAL IS AN EMBODYMENT OF HYPOCRISY -- ADMITTING THAT THE HOUTEL WITH THE JOURALISTS WAS SHELLED BY THE AMERICAN TANK BUT ALL THE BLAME IS ON SADDAM. HAS ANYBODY HEARD OF SUCH NONSENSE! A MURDERER ADMITTING KILLING SOMEBODY BUT LAYING THE BLAME ON THE NEIGHBOUR! ZIT -- HEIL! To Ivan: It's called "collateral damage". War is dangerous. The journalists knew what they were getting into. No loss of life is ok, but war is hell. How can you possibly compare the US with fascism and Bush with Hitler. I have many friends who are concentration camp survivors and I know they do not compare Bush to Hitler. Be realistic. Ivan, you have not been brave enough to tell us what country you are from.
My mother used to always say how lucky we were that God allowed us to be born American. Posted by: Earlene on April 8, 2003 10:49 AMA little lengthy, but WORTH IT!!! Just a word of background for those of you who aren't familiar with the United Kingdom's "Daily Mirror" newspaper. This notoriously left-wing journal normally is not supportive of the Colonials across the One year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting - the mass murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol To: Monique, Thank you for reprinting that article. I was beginning to think that the average Brit was against us also. Posted by: Earlene on April 8, 2003 11:38 AMTo: Tony Blair, THANK YOU. Posted by: Earlene on April 8, 2003 11:39 AMTo Will and our others troops over there, Ladies and Gentlemen. Now I have to leave you since American Democracy has forbidden me acces to this page and had to ask a friend to send this last message to you. Well, American democracy in Action! You prefer to silence me, because you are irritated with truth. Because you hate journalists. I know I shall not be able to send you messages any more. But still the last word of truth -- only facts, facts, facts: Americans are fascists: American authorities refused to give permission to the Russian doctor Leonid Roshal to come to Bagdad by a special Plane of the Russian Emergency Ministry to take out wounded children. There are over 1000 wounded legless, handless, armless kids in Bagdad! They are all doomed to death in this "American Paradise". Heil Bush! To: Ivan, So long, farewell, adeiu. Posted by: Earlene on April 8, 2003 01:00 PMWould say 'sorry to see you go Ivan', but that would be a lie!! Good riddens! Posted by: Sharon on April 8, 2003 01:25 PMIvan: Um, I think your access was blocked not because anyone was irritated at your comments but because you are simply retarded. Will: Everyone else said what I was going to say. You rock my face off. Thanks. :) Posted by: MK on April 8, 2003 03:53 PMHey, Will...Still waiting to hear from you...hope everything's okay... http://www.andiesisle.com/If-I-Die-Before-You-Wake.html Godspeed, Will. We are praying for you... Posted by: Joelle on April 8, 2003 03:58 PMWill, hope you are well. Have missed your posts. God Bless you, all the soldiers and Iraqi people. I think those three are buddies and i pray they are gone for good. if you can keep a sense of humor in the midst of all that- hoooah baby hoooah! i am in love..... Posted by: me on April 8, 2003 09:45 PMHi Will, MILENA, ADRIANA and ILARIA This morning my faith was renewed. I remember one Sat morning as I was feeding my baby daughter I wept as I watched the Berlin wall fall. I called my mother and told her that now her grandaughters did not have to live in fear of a nuclear war as my generation did. The world was at peace. Then 9/11 happened and my daughters innocense was destroyed. I know this is not over but I know now there is no doubt that goodness will prevail. Hey Will!!! Haven't heard from you in awhile, I hope that you are safe and having a wonderful time this morning toppling the statue of Saddam, and watching the look on those Iraqi's faces who for the first time in their lives can taste freedom!! Imagine the feelings of finally being able to take some agression out on the man who has tortured, murdered and supressed them for so many years!! I don't think I've ever been more proud of my country than I am today!!!! Thank you Will....please write soon and tell us first hand..... I will buy you anything you want when you return if you ever make it out to Seattle!!!! Posted by: Sharon on April 9, 2003 11:19 AMMonique, thank you for reporting the important article from The Mirror. I think it is a very interesting reading and I hope the 25% of French people (that yesterday was still SUPPORTING SADDAM!!!) can read it and think about it. Hi Will and all. Marco P.S. MILENA, ADRIANA and ILARIA, che inglese mi esibite... Posted by: Marco on April 9, 2003 11:33 AMо Posted by: о on April 9, 2003 11:52 AMsad everythying you are saying, especially as I never gave anyone bad names -- like "retarded" or "moron" or whatever. Am I not right, Will? Posted by: pride on April 9, 2003 12:12 PMand the WMD -- still has not been found -- for which reason you started your war -- agricultural furtilizers -- that is all. risible and shamefull. Posted by: pride on April 9, 2003 12:24 PMTo:Pride, Get real. Do you really beleive what you write? I don't see any Iraqi person trying to stop the jubilation in the streets of Baghdad because he wants Saddam back. Those people are now free. They can now have their own government. They do not have to live under the thumb of a mad man. A mad man who stole their money. Posted by: Earlene on April 9, 2003 12:37 PMTo Pride: Yes, you most definitely DID choose the wrong site for your "discussion." There are plenty of places on the web to debate, discuss, and argue all you want over this war. I'm pretty sure when Will started out with this, it wasn't to give people like you a platform for denigrating the U.S. - although that is what the fight is all about, the freedom to do just that! Out of respect for Will and the countless people who come here to express their support, go somewhere else and find people who WANT to debate you in the manner you're seeking. Please, let it go. Will, Godspeed.... Pride - yes you did choose the wrong site and I only say that because this is not a place to debate. This is a site dedicated to a strong and courageous man who is out there fighting for what many of us believe in. You don't have to believe as we do but if you are going to express your opinion, you had better be ready to take the heat for it too. We all express ourselves in different ways and I think moron & retarded were pretty nice in comparison to what could have been said. Stay safe my friend. Posted by: Shell on April 9, 2003 12:48 PMAll, I love all of your comments, even the disparaging ones, but I do prefer the debates be moved to the forum. It's free, and it's a great place for everyone to say whatever they wish. Thanks, CR Posted by: Captain Rooba on April 9, 2003 12:51 PMTHANK YOU CAPT. ROOBA! I am glad I am free to say or read anything I choose, but my choice is to refrain from reading negative remarks about America and what we are doing in Iraq. Whether readers are for or against the war, please support our troops. They do not intend any harm on innocent people, but did the people who are responsible for 9/11 feel the same? Enough said about that. Sorry Capt. Rooba - I must say to Pride: This IS NOT a discussion site for your "imported" or "retarted" brains or whatever. Who would you run to if your country (of which I cannot distinguish) was in trouble? There were some people who survived the 9/11 attacks but how many millions of people did it directly affect? Did those terrorists "think" about that? Does the Iraqi government run its government without killing, robbing or torturing people? I don't think so. I, too, am glad that you are history from this site. IT IS NOT A DISCUSSION SITE! Posted by: Tracy on April 9, 2003 01:42 PMWill, Haven't seen a post from you in 9 days...we pray that you and your compadres are all still doing fine. Be Careful and know that all of our service men and women (including the British) are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Take Care...Be Careful and hurry home. WE all miss your rants. Posted by: KELLEY in IOWA on April 9, 2003 02:08 PMPride, do not direct any more negative comments towards Will. You can sit and wallow in your anger and hatred all you want, but do not be messing with the man. Will is over fighting for YOUR freedom and YOUR rights. No matter if you live in the US, Brazil or Italy or Russia or wherever. And personally, I'm getting very bored with you. Thanks to all nations who are part of the coalition that is working so hard for all of us! Posted by: penny on April 9, 2003 03:50 PMI did not send negative comments, penny. Captain Rooba. I am leaving, and I appreciate your patience with me and with all those who supported my stance here at this site. Hi Will! Will, once again iam so sorry for what i had said before. really you are our heroes and i hope that you and your friends will come back hoom soon and save. every country & government has mistakes and I hope that America, the country that i love will learn from its mistakes THANK YOU Will, American soldiers and american nations for your care and love. Hey Will Till Next Time, >but here they are great for keeping the dust out of the barrel of your weapon I love thjs sentence.. from japan Posted by: youhi on April 10, 2003 07:05 AMWill: We are anxiously waiting to hear how you are. My cousins son is with the 1st Marines, 3rd Battalion. They took the University yeterday. My family is anxiously waiting to hear from him also. Posted by: Earlene on April 10, 2003 10:34 AMthis morning, but still now, when I was reading the neswpaper, I cried to see the photos of bagdad yesterday. I cried for the joy, for the freedom, for the mercy over that poor people that so much suffered during the regime and that now are happy, with lots of doubts over the future. I cried for the kids that in the future can see democracy and prosperity. I cried for the feelings of the marines in bagdad. I cried for the parents of the dead marines, for the texan woman who is still POW, I cried for the innocente killed under the bombs. I cried for the defeated that yesterday said it was not worth fighting for democracy. Also america is worth fighting, because she has won always the peace and the war. America is that country that gives old people the possibility to use internet and to travel, is that country that invented the fridge and will produce the first car without pollution. America is that country that rebuilt italy defeated and humiliated, raised to the ground. America is that country born from the pilgrims father but also from prisoners. Her train carries losers and winners, saints and sinners, springsteen says. America is that country that has given a second possibility to everyone. Also to the germans that have been so criminals, also to irak. I cried because in 2003 americans still believe that an other world is possible, that freedom is real to believe. I cry because they acted alone, and their victory is even bigger. I cry because I think many pacifist will change their mind. I cry for the marines pictured giving sweets to iraki kids, for the marines interwied and say: you won’t have better friend than me. I cry because : who can imagine a world wituout america? None. Sylvia: WOW, How beautiful that was. Reading it gave me goosebumps. I just read it to my coemployee and she is teary eyed also. My husband is a second generation Italian-American. I will make sure he reads this. Hello I just wanted to thank you and all the people in all branches of the service for giving one the most precious gift next to life and that is FREEDOM. God bless you and keep you safe!! Posted by: Tanna on April 10, 2003 01:51 PMHey Will, I hope you find a few more helpful marines. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Take Care & God Bless you all! Posted by: minnie on April 11, 2003 11:05 AMHey Will; I'll be visiting South Dakota this weekend. When I climb that hill in the peaceful early morning, as I do every spring, and look out over the amazing landscape, I'll be thinking of the amazing people that put their lives on the line so that I have that freedom and so much more. Thank you! We're pulling for all of you and wishing for your safe return. As evidenced by a few of the reponses on this site, one of my favorite quotes... People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. Hey Will! Your posts are a delight to read and I am usually rolling on the floor laughing by every other sentence! Very entertaining! I appreciate and really couldn't thank you enough for what you and many other men and women are so graciously doing. And the attitude that you especially have in the midst of everything is a pleasure to be able to enjoy. Thanks again, and I'm praying for all of you over there :-) God Bless, Hey Will, Hi Will, P.S.Ehi!I read in your bio that you were born on April, so i wish you Happy Birthday, even if i don't know the day exactly!!! God bless you. To those of you who think this war is a waste of time and money, To those who think that this war is just for oil, To those who think all our lives are just lived for McDonalds and Brittney, look at those Iraqis that helped bring down the statue and then tell us that we are not doing the right thing. Yea, innocent people die, innocent people die everyday in the US and across the world, but it is for the freedom of the country, why else would those people be so happy that statues came down? To Will, Keep clean and spirits high, even though I'm not old enough to drink during your tour stop in Western PA and I will buy you a few rounds. Can't wait to hear your next rant :) Posted by: Jessica on April 12, 2003 03:02 PMWOW!! silvia from italy, from one very proud American I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a wonderful person! Cathy Posted by: Cathy on April 12, 2003 06:07 PMDamn, its been a while since ya checked in, Will. Hope wherever you're at and whatever you're doing, you're safe. Posted by: cOOkie on April 12, 2003 07:31 PMWill sends his greetings to all of you! He called us yesterday and wants you all to know that he is well. Phones are very limited where he is - that was our first contact with him since his last post. He has written another rant, but unless he can find email access, will have to print it out and send it snail mail. He has not received any mail yet and we have not received the letter he wrote us the day they arrived in Kuwait. They are all fine - only casualties are a few scrapes and a sprained ankle from a wild game of Frisbee while they were waiting for their ship to arrive - which it finally did. Am sure he will have lots to say about that! Thanks to all of you who are keeping Will and all the soldiers in your prayers. With love and thanks to all of Will's supporters, Will's Mom
To Will's Mom: Thanks for the update on Will. We're glad to know that he is doing well. As always, he and all the soldiers, will remain in our thoughts and prayers as does your family. Many thanks to Capt. Rooba as well......this site is awesome. Love and prayers Kimberly Hi friend, we - me and my family - in Brasil are still praying for you, your friends in USArmy and your Family. Brazilian hugs, Mei "I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved" Psalm 16:08 Posted by: Simei on April 13, 2003 02:02 PMTo Will's mom: Thank you for the update on Will. It's been a long time and I try not to worry. Thank you too for raising such a fine young man - and witty too! Thank you for sharing him with the world and for being the brave mother I know that you are. You are in our daily prayers - as are all of the soldiers and families. God Bless you! Posted by: mattie on April 13, 2003 11:18 PMThank You, Will's Mom!!! Posted by: toad4 on April 14, 2003 05:48 PMCiao Will! Love,
Does anyone know what in tarnation IRONIC, NELL, ADAM, & REVENGE are ON???? What sort of drugs were introduced into their bodies, for cripes sake!!!??? What are they babbling about? *rolls eyes heavenward* (See LORD, GIVE ME TOLERENCE PLEASE!) DUH & MICHAEL: Whooo raah!!! ROOBA: Thou art a patient man! *Nods head graciously towards you* Thank you for assisting Will and his mom to keep this going. (See GARRALOUS BABBLERS) WILL'S MOM: Three cheers for Mom! *hugs ya* Do you mind? (See PRIDE IN RAISING YOUR SON) WILL: Man, need some R & R!! (See ARIZONA) *hint, hint*
Hi, is this Denise Anguiano? Worked at Scottish Rite in 1988? Posted by: jerry on January 7, 2004 09:35 AMPost a comment
![]() Quotes
There is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear.
~General George S. Patton
Who's Will Anyway?
What's All This Then?
As most of the regular readers of Rooba.net know, I have a few friends that have been sent or called up for the soon-to-be-conflict in Iraq. One such friend is Will aka Will not weasel or Will from Omaha or whatever other moniker he's using on my site that day.
Will is a pretty good writer and this is the collection of his writings. It'll be interesting to hear updates from a soldier's point of view, so I'll be posting them for all to read. Take care Will ~Captain Rooba