Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
October 22, 2003

Cool Things

Hello All,

Well I've been trying to decide on what I can and cannot tell you all about life here in Iraq, remember OPSEC and the safety of my soldiers is priority. I've been back and forth on this issue, and like hiking up a mountian I'm going to err on the side of safety and no talk about my mission.

So what am I going to tell you all about? Something that I think is cool. Night Vision.

Night Optical Devices, better know as NOD's are cool. They take a black night and turn it into a black, white and green day. I'm not positive on how they work, but I know that 2 AA batteries is all you need for a night turned to day and an edge over the bad guys that really can't be measured.

Want to know what's even cooler that NOD's? Driving with NOD's. Oh yeah baby! Take a cool concept and take it to the next level by adding a little action. I haven't had a chance to do it in a while, and it took a couple minutes to get back into the swing of it all, but in no time at all I was crusing down the dusty goat trails of Iraq with no lights and hitting only the ruts that I wanted to. I've always been a little bit of an adrenelin junkie, and this was a nice fix for a boy without a parachute.

I know that most people reading this will never get the chance to drive without headlights, but I reccomend it highly. Is it worth joining the Army? I doubt it, but it does rock.

But do you want to know what the coolest thing about NOD's? I knew you did. The coolest thing about NOD's is sneaking up on somebody that doesn't have them. Nope, I haven't been out making trouble for the Iraqi's (I am still a REMF, remember) but once upon a time there was a young soldier with too much time on his hands and trouble on his mind. Oops, out of time (it actually took me 3 20-minute sessions to write this.... big time computer problems here... sorry, but it also took a combined time of 4.5 hours to get those sessions) but I will say that a young troop (not me this time) learned an important lesson about checking his "6" and learned an impotant lesson in the pundgent smell of urine (again, not mine) and how hard NOT to hit someone when they don't expect it.

I love you all,


PS - Ok, here's the deal. I'm getting ANOTHER new mission and it's just as good as the last... ok, I lied. It sucks as bad as the last but not much more dangerous. At least this is a calm area of the country. Most of the locals are friendly, on the surface at least, and it is encouraging.

04:19 PM | TrackBack (0)

Will. This made me laugh at the end of a fraught day. If you can keep your sense of humour so can I. I keep thinking about the young trooper - I hope he recovers!! I am your fan from the UK!! Thanks Will

Posted by: richard on October 22, 2003 04:27 PM

hi will;

I have really missed your postings, but it sounds like you were having too much fun playing in the dark. I am glad you finally found some computer time. Take care, duck when needed, and come home safely


Posted by: debby on October 22, 2003 04:28 PM

Glad to hear from you, Will. Now that you're really, truly, "in country", I've been wondering about how you're doing. Glad to see that you're able to update at least periodically. Take care and stay safe! ~Hometown Girl

Posted by: Firebrand on October 22, 2003 05:02 PM

Good to hear from you Will! Take care and don't trust anyone "in Theater" - have fun with the NODs - I'm sure it's the only fun that can be found right now. Stay Safe!!

Posted by: IRA on October 22, 2003 07:24 PM

Hi Will,
Great to hear from you again. Sounds like alot of fun with the NOD's. I'm glad you're keeping your terrific sense of humor. I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Be careful. Hang in there and stay safe.

Posted by: Dawn on October 22, 2003 08:23 PM

All I can do is shake my head and laugh. In my head I hear "what are we going to do with him". But that's why I love ya dear. Glad you have found something fun to occupy your time...boys and their toys. Whatever your mission is - do it well and keep yourself safe! Post when you can.

Posted by: Shell on October 22, 2003 09:24 PM

I am dying of laughter over the the whole pee incident - Just so happens I know SOMEONE that that happened to on a drunken walk through the woods! Yada, Yada, Yada. Take care!

Posted by: Evans on October 22, 2003 10:25 PM

Now we have to send y'all Depends too? Well I guess that depends eh? So glad to hear y'all are funnin'! That does my heart more good than you will ever know.

All that talk about the blind leading the blind was bumming my high. Least with the NOD's yer in the green! Keep it that way oaky?

Oh and long as yer on post, post more frequently will ya? Whatcha trying to do, hold out on us Will? Building up demand for your book are ya? Im on to ya! (as opposed to coming on to ya, that is! =P lol)

Posted by: SzaffireBlue on October 23, 2003 12:18 AM

ok, if you're out in the country in the sand, words of advice: if the mice come, put junk food out for them well away from your gathering places. make it consistent and you wil always know where they are, and they will always know where you are. if the mice come, then the snakes will come next. this is why you put the food well out away from where you hang out/sleep/work/pee and poop. keep em both in their own area, which is NOT where you and your men will be.
if you have to deal with the locals and theyre friendly, great. if they don't know you and you have to raid them, be considerate. be culturaly aware. don't humiliate the females, the elderly men, the kids, the breadwinners. don't go trigger happy on them. picture yourself, back home, seeing the likes of you, breaking down the door, and try to adjust to the human scale. don't be scary if you can be effective by being polite and clear. measure twice, shoot once. dead people can't explain things to you and get to know you. live ones can. to know all is to forgive all, and to err is human. most mistakes are committed out of ignorance. strive to enlighten and educate. dead people can't learn from their mistakes.

that said, do well and do good.

Posted by: janet in Venice beach on October 23, 2003 04:29 AM

I got to drive without headlights like that when we were in Panama. We called them NVG's instead of NODs, but it is still pretty much the same. And it was definitely cool!

And yes, it is even more fun to sneak up on somebody that doesn't have them. Just don't do like I did and play a prank that accidentally involved a major! LOL!
Ours weren't as clear back then as the ones you have now are and I thought he was a fellow sergeant. Oops!

Although I am a fellow adrenaline junkie, that was a bit of an overdose. Ha ha ha!

Posted by: Virgil on October 25, 2003 12:17 PM

Another neat NOD trick/story:

Moonless night, jamming down a "road" (really, a deer path) in a CUCV. Driver and copilot have NODs, three unlucky bastards in back have none. I was one of the unlucky bastards, trying to grab a little sleep.

Out of nowhere, driver and copilot shout "OH S**T!" My sphincter ties up tight enough to turn coal to diamonds, and I brace for... well, something. Then BANG BOOM BANG! I swear, I couldn't tell if the truck was right side up, on it's side, or rolling over and over.

Turns out the idiots drove off a 4 foot drop-off. Damn near broke the truck, and us too. Lesson: Depth perception is nonexistant when wearing NODs.

Posted by: Tom K on October 25, 2003 06:12 PM

Wanna know what's LESS cool than driving with NODs? Flying NOE with them. Took me about 10 minutes to get airsick.

Posted by: Mike on October 25, 2003 06:57 PM

Hi Will!

Hmmmmm....I've always thought that moms needed night vision gadgets almost as much as the military! Btw - is shooting any different wearing them?

Good to hear you guys are finding some fun there finally! And some of the fun was actually found while in the midst of duty...Yee haaa!! Just a note on the secondary story of yours....just be glad ALL it was, was urine! (yes, it was not you)

Will, you should already know I've been praying for you guys to get home and get home safely, correct? I do have a favor to ask you, if you don't mind. Would YOU mind praying for some people on MY end? My ex is dying of lung cancer, and though I'm not in love with the man, and haven't been for more years than we've been divorced (long story, and though he treated me badly, he is still a troubled human who deserves better, if not so much baggage had gotten in his way) we DO have an almost 8 yr old son. My son will most likely be losing his dad, possibly before the end of the year. Would you please, if you could, pray for both my son, should he have to deal with his father dying, and for his father, that he doesn't suffer for too long, or more than bearable? I know miracles do still happen, but my ex would need a TRUE miracle, to beat THIS cancer.

I hope this request of you isn't out of line, or more than you are capable or willing to do. I know you don't know me, and it is a big request, but I love my son more than anything, and no matter what happens with his dad, he is having to deal with a lot for so young a kid. Plans can't be counted on, since things change, depending on how his father is doing, every week. Every day. Sometimes every hour. I wanted my son to have the childhood I never really got to have. It's hard being strong 24/7....someting you may know something about, Will.

Anyway, just thought I'd ask, since this is on my mind a lot right now. (His dad was taken to the hospital again last night I heard, and he doesn't feel he's well enough anymore to have my...our...son on the weekends anymore. Even my job and finances have suffered greatly from all the time missed when crisis strikes his dad and I have to miss work.)

Well, I need to run now. I again had to take the day off work because of no one to watch my son from the sudden plan change (me having my son this weekend instead of his dad, and not having a care provider on weekends for my son) and now I'm taking my son to the hospital to see his dad. God bless you, and those you hold dear.


Posted by: Judi on October 26, 2003 11:28 AM

Hi Judi. I said a prayer for you, your son, and your ex. Hopefully, with enough people who saw your request, these prayers will help you and your family. God bless.

Posted by: Dawn on October 26, 2003 03:11 PM

Hello Will,
our thought is always for you and your soldiers,we hope that you have the force to go continue so...
We would add a message for Judi and her family.There are moments,in the life,to feel very evil,it's success us also.Succeed to climb on the mirrrours but to fall down.We,afflicted,ask to God to listen our prayers.The miracles exist.Milena mom's has fought many and for twice the paradise door's is closed because she wants stay with us.After she hasn't fought more and two years ago the God has taken her with himself.The miracle is the wish to live and believe to God.We'll prayer for your family.
Adriana and Milena

Posted by: Adriana,Milena on October 29, 2003 05:02 AM

Judi - Your family is our thoughts and prayers. I believe that God works many miracles in our lives - some small ones that we don't always recognize as miracles as well as the big ones that make you realize that His hand really is touching us. We pray for strength for you and your son to deal with this difficult time.

Posted by: will's mom on October 31, 2003 04:33 PM

Hi Will, I live in Alabama and just found this web site while corresponding with a cousin in Japan. (teaching English). First of all I want to thank you and your fellow men for fighting for us! I appreciate each and every one of you guys! I know I would have to find something to focus on and technology would definitely be my choice as well. I would love to be able to purchase a pair of night vision binoculars. I understand they come in versions I, II or III as I have read in a hunting magazine. They are all very very expensive so at least you guys get to play with very expensive toys over there. I hope that yall will get to celebrate Christmas in some way while you are there. I actually was quite concerned over all of the obligations of the season until I read an e-mail forwarded by a friend of a marine who is anticipating joining you overseas. He said his unit does not actually know but he feels that will be the case. He asked that we all stop and appreciate all of the little things including those little Christmas traffic jams and the crowds. He is right and I will now have a new outlook. What part of the U.S. are you from? Do you have a wife/partner/children at home? Todd

Posted by: Todd on December 4, 2003 05:30 PM
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No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
~General George S. Patton
Who's Will Anyway?
What's All This Then?
As most of the regular readers of know, I have a few friends that have been sent or called up for the soon-to-be-conflict in Iraq. One such friend is Will aka Will not weasel or Will from Omaha or whatever other moniker he's using on my site that day.

Will is a pretty good writer and this is the collection of his writings. It'll be interesting to hear updates from a soldier's point of view, so I'll be posting them for all to read.

Take care Will

~Captain Rooba
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