Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
December 20, 2003

Back to the rant...

Hello All,

I've been looking back at my last couple posts and I notice that I haven't had a decent rant in a while. I'm sure you're all wondering if I turned over a new leaf of calm level-headedness, and in a word, no. There are many things around here that are pissing me off, so-much-anger/so-much-stupidity, but I don't normally have time to write them up. Well, today I do because today I'm pulling staff duty instead of actual mission duty. Where do I begin? Fine question... lets start with KBR.

You all probably don't know KBR, but you know their parent company Halliburton. They are all over the place. They run the food. They run the laundry. They run a super tanker of fuel up the road every day and you're paying the bill (before I ignite the fuse let me state that I am not currently a tax payer, but when I get back to CONUS I will be, and my congressman is going to get an earful).

Part of my job, nope I'm not gonna tell you, deals with the MSR. Every single day I see hundreds of KBR tankers going up and down it. Some are loaded with fuel, some are empty but you are paying for all of them. Each tanker holds 20,000 gallons of fuel (benzene, mogas, diesel, etc.) and I'm not kidding when I tell you that there are hundreds everyday. Now, note that KBR was over billing by about a $1.12 a gallon; according to the propaganda we get over here. According to some members of congress, "A billion here and a billion there and it adds up to real money." Well, excuse me, Mr. Congressman and Public Servant, but when you're a soldier making less than $25,000 a year (and most of my troops are) you might be a little pissed off about all that money being lost.

Then let's account for the fuel itself. I understand that between the ineptitude of Saddam and the accuracy of US weapons ALL of Iraq's refineries are wasted. I also understand that the Army has units busting their asses to repair the refineries while dip-shit terrorists are trying to blow them up at the same time. However, when you have a country that could be self-sufficient (petroleum-wise), wouldn't you throw every resource available into saving the taxpayers some cash?

Let's not forget to mention the fact that this is the ONLY industry (outside of thievery and bad hygiene) that is indigenous to Iraq. The people here need hope. You know where hope comes from, it comes from a crappy job, a run down car, a mortgage you can barely afford and kids that don't listen.
Yep, that's the foundation of hope. Don't believe it? Look around you.
Your job sucks, your car is run down, the mortgage is hurting you and your kids don't listen... but you have hope that the job will get better (if the damn boss will just shut the hell up), you can buy a better car when the job gets better, the mortgage will be easier and the kids might have a better life than you did (and that Their kids won’t listen, either. HA!). See, it all starts with a crappy job and I know because I’ve had crappy jobs that turned into better jobs. Hope lies at the bottom, and if you believe Patton, it's all you really have left when you hit rock bottom.

So, why don’t we quit pussyfooting around and get some of those Texas Oil Mongers that know how refineries need to work over here . They're the ones that know how this crap works, put ‘em on the payroll and get ‘em some weapons and get the show on the road. 20 billion dollars to rebuild Iraq… how about getting THEIR economy rolling so we can get rolling home. For the love of God these people aren’t children that need to have their hands held, they’re grown ups that need jobs and HOPE!

Let’s get the bad jobs rolling, hope floating and troops rolling… a beer wouldn’t hurt either, but that’s another rant altogether. Beer and women and freedom and, shit… I almost started again.

I love you all,


PS – I know who our replacements are, and have been told of their arrival date. I’m not holding my breath but I think I saw a flicker at the end of the tunnel.

11:26 AM | TrackBack (2)

Will this is great. The sort of thing I love to hear from you. Will is alive and well - Praise the Lord. Your number one UK fan

Posted by: richard on December 20, 2003 11:42 AM

hear all that cheering and laughing? that's me. i was beginning to wonder if youd been replaced...i definitely agree with you on these points. i'm thinkin though, that you need staff duty (i remember how that sucked!) more often so we get more rants...just kidding ;-)

Posted by: leslie on December 20, 2003 12:52 PM

Keep your eye on that flicker Will. Stay strong and be safe.

Posted by: Mel on December 20, 2003 01:54 PM

AMEN! Halliburton, don't get me started! It's the same every war - people that can take advantage, do take advantage...unless enough people get beyond being pissed off and DO something. Most of us may feel we can't, but we can. We can start telling our congressmen and senators, our press, and whoever else that will listen, that we will do whatever is necessary like voting them out of office, unless they listen...

Posted by: Trish Lewis on December 20, 2003 01:56 PM

Will, is back, Thank God. Guess all that desert took you back a step. I am one that writes to senator's & congressmen, too take a look at all the waste in this operation. To put and end too it & bring our boys home. Funny I get e-mails back from them on everything but this charde of rebuilding. Ha ha heeeee ! Isn't that something?
Godd Bless you & all your boy's.

Posted by: Alice on December 20, 2003 03:05 PM

Hi Will,
Glad to see you back in the saddle, ranting wise. I missed your cool rants. I had no idea that Halliburton was wasting so much of my tax money, but, like you said, I may be giving my congressperson an earful too. I totally agree with you on your point that some people who know what the hell they're doing need to be over there, fastracking the economy in Iraq. Once they actually have something of an economy, they will be able to stand on their own feet. Hopefully, our government will figure that out soon (yeah, right!). I was really happy to hear that you have a possible date for your relief. Here's to prayers that the flicker turns into a huge light at the end of the tunnel. So many people appreciate all that you all are doing over there, and the sacrifices you're making. I E-mailed a letter to the editor at Time Magazine saying that I think all of our American Armed Forces should be the 2003 People Of The Year. God bless you all. Hang in there and stay safe.

Posted by: Dawn on December 20, 2003 03:26 PM

Dearest Will~

Was it as good for you as it was for me? Here let's share a cig and a beer!

Winks, grins and righteous indignation-


Posted by: SzaffireBlue on December 20, 2003 03:53 PM

Sgt Will-

Well said. I hear you, I understand and I could not agree more.

When the oil wells were burning they could not put them out fast enough. But this wartime profiteering is just GREED pure and simple.

Wrote about it myself in fact:

I say we get it done ASAP.


Posted by: Jasmine Petal on December 20, 2003 04:03 PM

Here is a link (hope it works) to a WSJ article which explains part of the problem with price of fuel in Iraq coming from KBR in Kwait

Posted by: bob on December 20, 2003 05:48 PM

You hit the nail on the head, more than once! Enjoyed the rant. Very therapeutic, I might add. Hope that you are well and that you get to go home soon! God Bless You!

Posted by: Annette on December 20, 2003 08:54 PM

Thanks for introducing some logic and reason to this issue, Bob. Here's yet another link with a similar take on the story:

Posted by: Al Superczynski on December 20, 2003 09:43 PM

Absolutely. You can bet a Texan won't loose their ass, their money, or anyone else's--nor will they take any crap from anyone or tolerate being told what to do. I am a Texan and I know.

Texans may have their faults, but when it comes to oil, land, money, pride, and our soldiers---we take things VERY seriously.

Hang in there SGT--keep the rants coming. And, keep our soldiers safe. We appreciate you.

A soldier's mom

Posted by: Katherine on December 20, 2003 11:55 PM

Had no idea either, about the extent of waste going on there...but then, that's their plan, eh? more way this war is different: those of us stateside can find out exactly what is going on there, much more quickly, and in larger numbers, than previously able to, hmmm?

Technology finally begins to backlash the corruption, eh? I say good! Tell us everything! Let the average US citizen know what's REALLY going on! Trust me, many of us WILL speak up with that newfound knowledge. *sly grin* Blech to evasive reporting!

Hope your flicker becomes a raging inferno on the other side of the tunnel Will.


Posted by: Judi Eckes on December 21, 2003 07:08 AM

I thought the military had, perhaps, been slipping Valium in your MREs!! Will - thanks for ALL you do over there so that I can sleep at night. ;)

Posted by: Evans on December 21, 2003 08:32 AM

Thanks for your great blog and today's great rant!

Posted by: homie on December 21, 2003 01:00 PM

Good the ole Will is back in form. Hope you all have a good Christmas meal like you did at Thanksgiving. (Real Pots! ) Again well all give thanks to all of you for making our lives safer. That is a present in it self.
Take care and keep safe!

Posted by: Chris on December 22, 2003 05:01 PM

Merry Christmas, Will. Americans are thinking of you this holiday. Those thoughts, filled with gratitude for you and our soldiers, are heartfelt and powerful. The new issue of Time magazine has named the American soldier the person of the year. Well deserved! Hoo-ah!

Posted by: Sharon on December 23, 2003 06:52 AM

native texan here! i will see what i can do about those Texas Oil Mongers. as for the beer, and women you will have to do that on your own. hopefully that will be soon. once that flicker turns into a raging bonfire!

lots of love from the lone star state

Posted by: renae on December 23, 2003 09:41 AM

Ah, the Will we like to hear!

I've thought alot about how I think you all should be home and let the Iraqi people take care of themselves now, but a good friend who was able to come home not long ago set me straight. I told him that when I watch the news all I see are angry people who want us off their land, maybe that's the part I just happen to catch? He said that the Iraqi people are so glad we are there and he'll never forget their smiling faces as he spent time with them. Between you and him, my eyes are kept open and I try not to take my life or anything and anyone in it for granted.

About the gasoline--it all just sucks!

I hope the light at the end of the tunnell gets brighter each day!

Merry Christmas to all of our United States Soldiers!

Posted by: Mary on December 23, 2003 09:59 AM

Have a Merry Christmas Will and all...

Posted by: Kathy on December 23, 2003 02:56 PM

Oh, Wise One,

Nice rant, I agree whole heartedly about the ineptitude of your KBR brethern. My only question is how you have the info about the replacement troops when I don't!!!

Buffalo Six

Posted by: Rob on December 23, 2003 06:12 PM

Hello Will,
it's happened that they were born where millions years ago the dinosaurs are exinguished for leave the place our existence and bequeath this big wealth:the oil.Maybe it's fate that the oil is in their arid soil,just,at least that we leave to their.It's true that you tell to make up a life better of now.We are agree with you as regards this waste of feul but the interests are very different of the real need.We aren't part of "great congressman" that decide for the world.
5th lesson:-I'd like,Vorrei-What would you like?Cosa vuole?-How much is it?Quanto costa?-I have beer.Prendo una beer,this will come in if you come to Italy,true?
CIAO all retun to home soon
Milena and Adriana

Posted by: Milena on December 24, 2003 03:13 AM


Keep your spirits high! We have so enjoyed your rants and will be passing a special little request to the entity upstairs for your speedy return to the US. Merry Christmas!

Posted by: zoecy on December 24, 2003 08:28 AM

Know that you and your loved ones are in our hearts and prayers this holiday season.

Take care,

Posted by: Mels on December 24, 2003 09:28 AM

Hello Will,

> To who
> >>>> loves
>>>>>>> sleep
> >>>> but wakes up
> >>>>> always of good
> >>>>> humour. To who says
>>>>>>>> hallo still with a kiss.
> To who works a lot of and amuse oneself
> >>>>> the most. To who goes hurry in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the car, but
> don’t hoot at the traffic-lights.
> To who arrives
> late but don’t looks for excuse.
> To who turn off
> the television to have a chat. To who
> is happy the most when do half.
> To who stand up soon
> for help a friend. To who has the
> enthusiasm of a child
> but the thought of man.
>To who sees black only when is dark
> To who don’t wait
> Christmas for be
> the most good
> Merry Christmas
>and Happy 2004

Good luck all
Adriana and Milena

Happy xstmas
(war is over) J. Lennon

And so this is Christmas
and what have you done?
another year is over
and a new one’s just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
the near and the dear one
the old and the young
a very Merry Christmas
and happy new year
let’s hope it’s a good one
without any fear

And so this is Christmas
for weak and for strong
for rick and the poor ones
the world is so wrong
and so Happy Christmas
for black and white
for yellow and red ones
let’s stop all the fight
a very Merry Christmas
and happy new year
let’s hope it’s a good one
without any fear

and so this is Christmas
and what have we done
another year is over
and a new one’s just begun
and so Happy Christmas
I hope you have fun
the near and the dear one
the old and the young
a very Merry Christmas
and happy new year
let’s hope it’s a good one
without any fear

war is over
if you want it

This song is very nice,we wished make listen it for Christmas.

Posted by: Adriana,Milena on December 24, 2003 04:12 PM

Hi Will,
Just wanted to wish you and all the Armed Forces of the United States a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I was happy to see the American Soldier as Time Magazine Person of the year. As I sit here, on Christmas Eve, in my cozy little home in the frozen tundra, I'm thinking of all the sacrifice you all are going through over there. God bless you all.

Posted by: Dawn on December 24, 2003 04:50 PM

I hope that you have a tolerable Christmas over there Will - everyone here is thinking about you guys.


Posted by: Semilla on December 24, 2003 06:07 PM

I wish you a Merry and safe Christmas, Will, and may God bless you for the sacrifices you are making for the rest of us. I hope 2004 brings you brightness and joy, and a flight back home!

Posted by: Dana on December 24, 2003 08:24 PM

Merry Christmas!!!!

Posted by: S on December 24, 2003 08:51 PM

my solution to the repeating cycle of oil pipeline blowups? bury em. if they have to dig a trench and build new pipelines sunk in the ground, do it. relocate those displaced arabs from the kurdish lands to live along it. relocate the teeming masses in sadr city to live along it. commission them to build it, live along it and guard it with their ferocious pride. make em all understand that this is their bread and butter and how their future will be paid for and unleash em. same for the electrical transmission long distance lines. make em understand with plain facts that the US is not dependent on their oil, but THEY are, and watch em turn into mad crazy watchdogs who won't let anyone, esp their own kind, steal it from them. give em bonuses tied to how much pipeline they build a day, give em a new house, put up along the pipeline and move in a new family, at every x number of feet they finish, for reward, and when it's done, award dividends from the oil flow to every worker who helped build it and every guarding household who lives along it, for every day there are no breaches or oil losses on that line. ask em to recommend friends and family to recruit, to join the pipeside community, put up more houses to make a spreading neighborhood, either side of the pipeline, and foster a culture of spotting, aresting and turning over any party caught sabotaging the buried lines, stealing the oil, or severing the electrical or water supply.
give them the reasons, responsibility and means for protecting it, and watch em go.

Posted by: janet in venice on December 26, 2003 04:52 AM

So, so, so funny! I laughed out loud many times. When you go home you should start writing comedy. Or write about your experiences in Iraq with the same kind of humor and forthrightness that I just read, and find an agent - you got a future!

God bless.


Posted by: roz on December 26, 2003 08:39 AM

Hi Will, I have been following your posts since the beginning. You seem to have a growing following, with those of of with loved ones in Talill! I hope and pray that you all come home soon. Take care, Happy Holidays, and God Bless...

(PS: I love the rants!)

Posted by: Kat on December 26, 2003 09:35 AM

Well, I get back home, start cleaning out the in-box and - saving the best for last - I start to read the latest post and decide, damn, I'm gonna need a beer for this one....that's my boy!!!
D.R. was good, got ya a shot glass that I think you will like :)
Hope you had a good Christmas my friend. I'm sorry you had to spend it there but I thank you for what you do and the sacrifices you are making.
Here's hoping that flicker becomes a speck, a spot and a big ass light!!!

Posted by: Shell on December 28, 2003 10:14 PM

Hello Will,
You'll seem strange but it's very time of the last your letter, isn't happened nope,true?We are worry,you write soon.
With love Milena and Adriana

Posted by: Milena,Adriana on December 29, 2003 11:37 AM

Haliburton is fixing the oil industry and that is their main business (oilfiled equipment). They weren't overcharging for fuel either. The Army Corps of Engineers insisted they buy some fuel from Kuwait instead of the cheaper source in Turkey in order to ensure adequate supplies in Basra in the South where fuel shortages were causing civil unrest. If it weren't for KBR, we wouldn't have such good food, shelter, etc. Is it wasteful - of course. What war or other giant government project isn't?

Stay alert, stay alive,
CPT Coop

Posted by: your exec. off. in Iraq on January 5, 2004 11:28 PM

Hey Will!

KBR is totally ripping off the US Govt. I know, because I WAS working for them this past year in Iraq.

The Purchasing/Subcontracts Department at Camp Anaconda is giving Purchase Orders & Subcontracts to friends/friendlies, and getting kickbacks that would be very hard to uncover (unless you are on the inside and know what to look for). Look for "Sole Source/Single Source" contracts/Purchases to start with, and then just follow the money...

Additionally, Upper Management is CLAIMING working 18-20 hours a day on their timesheets! They are able to get away with this because they have high-speed connections in their living containers, and they leave their computers booted up to the KBR Intranet, making it look like (to the outsider) that they are working their fingers to the bone.

Government Inspectors should look into ALL Purchases and Subcontracts written at Camp Anaconda by a certain Laszlo Tibold. Mr Tibolds business dealings should be quite an interesting read by any auditor...

The Mole

Posted by: KBR_Mole on January 12, 2004 04:47 AM

My dad is in Camp Anaconda with KBR. I'm just wondering if anyone has heard of him or knows him. His name is Dennis Hunt. Please let me know and if you do know him please let him know that I am thinking about him!!!


Posted by: Jalai on February 1, 2004 06:17 PM

Mole Man (or Woman),

I work for KBR Procurement in Iraq, specifically at Camp Anaconda, Balad Iraq.

I have knowledge of the infamous Mr. Tibold, and a very questionable gravel supply subcontract he awarded to a local Iraqi supplier at a price that was more than 5 times the price of a competing local supplier.

Everyone in Procurement knew that this was tha case, but no one dared to rock the boat for fear of losing their job. Tibold, you see, was the Procurement Manager at KBR Camp Anaconda.

Oh well, it's just taxpayers money - and they'll never find out, right???

Posted by: Jerry Jones on February 3, 2004 02:09 AM

Mr. Tibold has since been fired for his contract writings there at Camp Anaconda, along with some of his buddies. However their contracts still remain and we continue to pay against them.

Posted by: KBR on March 12, 2004 01:16 AM

If Mr. Laszlo Tibold awarded contracts in Iraq that were questionable in nature, questionable enough to raise suspicion resulting in him being fired, why would the contracts continue to be honored?

Someone in the media or US Government needs to investigate this!

Sounds like there are many skletons in KBR's closet yet to be uncovered.

Posted by: S. Miller on March 18, 2004 08:41 AM


There was a great website about LSA Anaconda @ written by a guy named Rob that works in the IT Department of KBR and he held back no punches as far as KBR and their shady business practices. But it seems that KBR has shut him down, just as he was writing about how booze, drugs, and prostitution were appearing at Anaconda. The living conditions that Rob was enduring were below truck-stop level, and KBR seems like a really f'd up employer to work for. Use a web based search like KBR Camp Anaconda and maybe you can come up with some info on your dad - but my guess is that KBR quickly makes sure these sites do not exist, as long as the person authoring them is working for KBR. If you watch the news or read a paper, you know KBR has a lot to hide.


Posted by: Steve-o on April 8, 2004 12:37 AM

KBR is a great employer to work for - NOT!

I pity the driver that falls for their recruiters line of bullshit and risks their life for KBR to drive for them between Kuwait and Iraq. During your recruitment, you will be told that the US Army will be protecting your convoys - this is the furthest from the truth. For the most part, convoy support is doled out to Army Reserve units, and these guys are the first to hightail it out of Dodge when the shit hits the fan! The regular Army is much too busy trying to control the Haji's that "want" to be liberated - note quotations on the word want. These dirt bags would rather live in the 12th century than have clean running water and flush toilets!

A month ago I was very close to getting killed on my last trip between Anaconda and BIAP (RPG's and IED's), and I decided to throw in the towel and head home while I was still alive.

F*ck KBR and Butch Gatlin - they're f*cking liers!

Gearjammer in TX

Posted by: Gearjammer on April 20, 2004 06:55 AM

About the website, My boyfreind is over there working and found out about that site. Supposedly the military made him take it down because he was giving away to much info that would get the military in trouble. Of coarse I got the edited version as I was talkin to him on the puter. As to all of you over in Iraq or anywhere else workin for kbr good luck be safe.

Posted by: Sabrena on May 5, 2004 08:51 AM


That bluenetworking website was very cool - it really pulled no punches with regards to how it truly sucks working for the glorified dog and pony show known as KBR at Camp Anaconda Balad Iraq. No doubt KBR pulled the plug on the guy that authored it - and like a true beeotch Mr. Bluenetworking Rob - bowed down and licked KBRs boots.

So much for fighting what you believe in Lil' beeotch Rob.


Posted by: Big Bad Bill on May 10, 2004 03:31 PM

You had better get your fact straight before you rant too much. I run one of those tankers and they don't hold 20,000 gals. try 8,000. anyway, that is just one detail that was missing. Hope you research more next time. Tanker from LSA Anaconda

Posted by: 2 Step on July 15, 2004 12:28 AM
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No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.
~General George S. Patton
Who's Will Anyway?
What's All This Then?
As most of the regular readers of know, I have a few friends that have been sent or called up for the soon-to-be-conflict in Iraq. One such friend is Will aka Will not weasel or Will from Omaha or whatever other moniker he's using on my site that day.

Will is a pretty good writer and this is the collection of his writings. It'll be interesting to hear updates from a soldier's point of view, so I'll be posting them for all to read.

Take care Will

~Captain Rooba
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