Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
July 06, 2003

Imagine A Water Shortage In The Desert?

Hello All,

Greeting from the land of Kuwait where every day is a trip into the Inferno. Well, things have been relatively quiet here. It's a kind of simple life consisting of marking time (see Army for marching in place), washing ammo, sleeping and a general avoidance of my old friend, Mr. Sun. I remember when Mr. Sun was my very good friend (see Forest Gump accent), and he kept me alive and warm in Wisconsin, but those days are over. Mr. Sun is very hot here, and while I appreciate everything that he has done for me in the past, and everything he will do for me when I leave this wasteland, we are not on the best of terms. It isn't that I don't like Mr. Sun, on the contrary, I love him, it's just that I don't need quite so much of him right now. But that isn't what I want to tell you about today. Today I'd like to talk about the finer points of washing.

You see, I like to consider myself something of a connoisseur of washing. In my chosen Army career, we wash vehicles and people and sometimes even buildings (don't ask how we do it, just trust me when I tell you its interesting). I've washed tanks, trucks, helicopters and so much more. It really is an interesting job. I think that everyone understands the basics of washing, and when I ask (you didn’t know there would be a quiz today, did you?) what the one critical element of washing might be? Yep, you've guessed it (I knew you were smart, considering that you're already reading this little rant), WATER. Water is the essential ingredient to every wash. Soap is also important, and scrub brushes and mops (do you remember the mop issues from Wisconsin? I sure do), but nothing get clean until you have water.

Now the desert is void of water (yeah, I know that you already knew that, just work with me a little here, ok?), and the Navy (did you know that the marines are a part of the navy? No wonder the marines hate the navy, lots of people hate their bosses) has done a superb job supplying us with water up to this point. We use tens of thousands of gallons of water a day washing ammo, and the marines that are washing tanks were using about the same amount, thanks to some recycling equipment to filter the dirty water (Yep, the military is trying to help out the planet by reducing and recycling wherever possible, and trust me, it IS a frigging pain in the ass). They were only using the same amount of water as us, until the filtering system broke down. The desert will destroy anything mechanical sooner or later, actually, if it was made by man, the desert will destroy it sooner or later (if it sounds like I'm trying to personify the desert as a living creature, evil and cunning, I

am. I am convinced that it is just like the ocean, and will kill you if you don't respect it), but I digress, I was talking about filters.

The filters are all jammed up and the marines can't recycle their waster water. That means two important things: 1. The marines are going to have to shovel out the water collection trench by hand, and that's a lot of slime and gunk. 2. They need loads more water. How much water? Have you ever seen a M-1 Abrams tank? It's bigger than ANY apartment I've ever lived in, and it collects a lot of slime and gunk. Now think about how much water 12 of those tanks need to get clean in a day. Yep, I think you're beginning to see my point (and the point of recycling). They're using all the water for the tanks, and we can't get any for the ammo. Assholes. Prepare to rant, RANT!

Ok, so we don't get any water to wash the ammo. Let me break down how this is chafing my radish (see Burning My Ass!). Washing ammo is not very glorious, but it needs to get done. My father taught me an important lesson as a boy, "Do it right, do it now, do it right now." These are great words, and I try to live by them and that's why I get pissed off when I run out of water and can't finish my work on my shift. I hate leaving a job undone, especially in a testosterone based culture like this one where failure on any level is a sign of weakness.

The next is that we are washing ammo. Ammo is designed to kill people, and if we don't get it washed quickly and out of our AO, it sits around until it does get washed. And if it doesn't get washed out, it sits out. Sits out like a great big friggin target that any haji (see Army for Indigenous Personnel, or locals) with a death wish because daddy didn’t love him, he can't read and some retarded fuck stick told him that he'd get 63 virgins if he blew himself up for Allah can use to hurt me and mine. Why, why you might ask? So that tanks, you know the big things that don't blow up (at least not if they're made in the U.S.), can get washed! An Iraqi tank couldn't kill these things, so you know that some terrorist asshole with a pipe bomb isn't going to do shit. Now, I've seen stupid things, hell I've done stupid things for the Army, but it takes the Navy to top off my career stupidness level! These assholes are risking my people because the tanks don't want to fall be
hind schedule.

Yes, we have security. Loads of it. Rifles, Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, concertina wire (see Razor Wire with a kick), barricades, walls and guards with exceptionally bad attitudes always on duty. But, if I were a terrorist, and I really wanted to zap some GI’s, you can bet your ass that I could get it done. And that’s what really scares me. If I can figure a way to hit us, the bad guys can too.

Luckily, we have Navy personnel working down by the ammo wash with us. And, even luckier, they are Navy Reservists, and that means they can think. After listening to a logical explanation (see yelling, not quite screaming), decided that they would stop sending ammo that can hurt us, and start sending inert (see non-killing material).

Now you might be thinking, "What about the Gulf? There's a shitload of water in the Persian Gulf, why not use that?" Can't. It's got salt in it, and that would be bad for the ammo. Ok, that I can deal with. If it's bad for the ammo, I don't want it.

So here we are, fists inserted rectally (see Doing Nothing), waiting for someone to figure out where the problem is, and fix it. Trust me, I wish I knew where the problem was at. I have a way of fixing things. Especially when common sense fails. It's too bed we don't have a Sergeant Major around to throw some weight and give us a hand, but he's probably too busy correcting a uniform violation somewhere.

I love you all,

PS Happy 4th of July to everyone. Have fun and be safe, I don't need any fireworks this year, I've already had plenty.

12:15 PM | TrackBack (0)

Nice to finally hear from you again Will! Hopefully they will get your filters cleared soon so you can get back to passing time a little quicker.
Take Care and be safe,

Posted by: Tiffany on July 6, 2003 02:16 PM

Hi Will,
Great to hear from you again! If it ain't one thing, it's another. I thought about you on the 4th. Hopefully, the Navy will find a way to quickly fix or replace something and get you guys going again. There's nothing worse then sitting around playing "hurry up and wait", and having to sit around with your thumbs up your ass, knowing you're not able to get the job done. I feel for you guys. Don't even get me started about Marines! But remember, they have a job to do too, and are probably under the same kind of pressure you guys are. I gather you all haven't had any word on when you may be coming home. I hope you hear something concrete soon. In the meantime, hang in there, and stay safe. Many prayers from us all to you.

Posted by: Dawn on July 6, 2003 03:12 PM

Best of luck with a quick remedy for the glitch, Will. Remember that we're rootin' for your imminent arrival in the states -- even though that might mean missing out on your amusing, sarcastic glimpses into military life.
Take care, Amy

Posted by: Amy on July 6, 2003 10:22 PM

Hi Will!
Dear Will! I'm glad to haer news from you!
How is your work now? From the last letter you've seemed afflicted to me...
I've understand that you are a responsible and honest guy making your job, and your state mind is intelligible. Isn't it?
Maybe your S.M. will help you to resolve the question, even if it's seems difficult after your sarcastic comment...But I hope this!

Hoping for your return to Wisconsin' sun,
Keep strong and up with the life.


Posted by: Ilenia on July 7, 2003 07:24 AM

Sha, that would be frustrating fer shure... your pretty much at the mercy of everyone it sounds like. Our 4th of July was great... Thanks to ya'all over there. I appreciate both your dedication and your humorous stories! Love seeing this side of it all instead of what the press chooses to feed us. My dad was a Navy Reservist... In Supply Corp so I have an inkling on how lame the Military's decisions can be. He really should have been in intelligence, but they refused to see it (see our government hard at work). ARGH! I'm 30 and wish I had joined the Military... sometimes. I have little tolerance for being bossed around by people who should have never made it to where they are... above me! (see corporate life) Oh well... here's to you getting back safely and soundly. I truly appreciate everything you do... much love.
Cat ;)

Posted by: Catherine on July 7, 2003 11:53 AM

Oh yeah... I stole your Dad's line...

Do it right
Do it now
Do it right now

I posted it in my office... good stuff.

Posted by: Catherine on July 7, 2003 11:56 AM

Hi Will;

So good to hear from you again, I was getting worried about you. Just wanted to let you know that your rants make my week better and if I could tell you about my life right now it would probably make you smile too. Just know we are proud of you and we have not forgotten you guys over there. Stay safe.


Posted by: debby on July 7, 2003 03:55 PM

Hey Will!

Around the office we eagerly await your next posting. Why? Besides your wonderful wit - it makes us realize that dealing with Corporate America is not half as bad as what you guys are dealing with. However, a lot of times we see VERY SIMILAR personalities (See Ass Holes).

In the famous words of Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge - It's a Cluster Fuck Sir!

I feel your pain Will. Try and keep your head above "water" (see Shit) and look forward to September!

Take care - and thanks!

Posted by: IRA on July 7, 2003 04:55 PM


I just have to ask - I remember you mentioning in your mini bio about having VERY white skin (glow-in-the-dark or something similar - lol). How white is that skin now?? If we want to look on the bright side (or less dark side for those with the water glass half-full, half-empty mentalities!), I bet you have a kick-ass tan right now! I am talking once-in-a-lifetime, can't-get-from-a-bottle, looks-like-I-have-been-permanently-on-vacation-in-Fiji (the Fiji of half-naked babes, bottomless tequila glasses, surf and sand) kind of tan! Make 'em take lots of pictures of you just so you can prove to your grandkids someday that you really DO tan!

Either that, or you are in a WORLD of hurt right now! (see glowing red lobster!) Ouch!

Stay safe Will - that ammo lying around with virtual bulls-eye painted on them is REALLY a stupid idea (see ammo = fanatic magnet!)

And, thanks for sharing your humor - know its has to be getting harder to keep it - but think of it as being as precious as, well, water, and necessary for your sane survival. On the up side, there has to be a WHOLE LOTTA material!

Posted by: LV on July 8, 2003 06:13 PM

All I'm going to say Will, is your SM is probably looking for those baseball caps!

*rolls eyes*

Hugs, Thoughts, and Prayers as always to you and your people.


Posted by: Judi on July 9, 2003 02:49 AM
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No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn't give a hoot and hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor ever lose a war.
~General George S. Patton
Who's Will Anyway?
What's All This Then?
As most of the regular readers of know, I have a few friends that have been sent or called up for the soon-to-be-conflict in Iraq. One such friend is Will aka Will not weasel or Will from Omaha or whatever other moniker he's using on my site that day.

Will is a pretty good writer and this is the collection of his writings. It'll be interesting to hear updates from a soldier's point of view, so I'll be posting them for all to read.

Take care Will

~Captain Rooba
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